WANTED: Audience Au24 RCA Interconnects

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#1 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2009, 13:06
I am looking out for a used AU24 Interconnects. Should have RCA terminations. If you or any of your friends.aquaintances are selling a pair, please PM me.

#2 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 06:15
Abhi, if I remember well, Siva had these. You might wanna ask him.
#3 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2009, 17:21
Hi Shahrukh,
Yes Siva has AU24 all around but he is a happy user... .
I am looking out for someone who is not very happy with it .
#4 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2009, 09:19
Check out echoloft. There are people who do group buys of the wire from Mogami and terminate them. It is the same thing.
I am not sure if any group buys are happening now though.
#5 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2009, 09:27
Hmmm...I did have the Mogami based IC. It was good but the AU24 was superior by a significant margin. I do not know what the guys at Audience do but they definitely add value over the Mogami.
#6 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2009, 11:23
I am talking about the same wire as the audience au24 Interconnects. They are made by Mogami. Did you check that one? It looks the same as the au24. I forgot the model no of that wire.

[Beitrag von square_wave am 23. Mrz 2009, 11:37 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2009, 11:33
Ya, I know about Mogami-Audience link.
The one I had was given to me by Siva. Siva did tell me that its similar sounding like his Au24 as it has same conductors inside. It did sound good also. But I did find the Au24 to be more refined, richer and more focused sounding. The images locked very well in the Au24. There was more air and detail, the sound was richer. The tones were sharper (in positive sense).
#8 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2009, 12:59
abhi what you had taken from me is from Mogami..but not same as Au24..and sounds compressed compared to Au24. Infact even the cable design and geomentris are very different.

I have a different Mogami cable (which is use for my new subs and active crossover) ..that sounds the same as AU24 (i have terminated both these cables...and they are identical in construction)....but no spare to share

[Beitrag von sivat am 23. Mrz 2009, 13:01 bearbeitet]
#9 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2009, 05:05
Hi Siva,
Thanks for the information.
It is great to know that there is a real Au24 clone available out there which sounds as good as the Au24. I understand that you dont have a spare to dispose but any info about them would be nice to know. Will PM you on this.

#10 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2009, 05:07
Siva <Hint> Cable business can be very lucrative </Hint> is this a service you can offer ?
#11 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2009, 05:25
I do not have the ICs....all thought i had them on sale sometime back.

Withing the next few days, i will have a speaker cable - that is as good or better than Au24. I have to the say that the - tonality of this speaker cable is different than that of AU24.

All though the stage of this cable seems slightly smaller than Au24. The frequency extremes (especially lows) are far better than the Au24. And the Au24 sounds slightly muddled in comparision (partly due to better resolution of this new cable)

A friend of mine had taken away both the pairs that i had and replaced his Au24 (biwired) . This is a high end OEM Cable. Cost will be around 8,600 for a 2.5 meter pair - terminated with locally available banana plugs.


[Beitrag von sivat am 24. Mrz 2009, 05:29 bearbeitet]
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