Wanted: High end Cassette player

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#1 erstellt: 16. Jun 2008, 11:44
I'm interested in a high-quality cassette player..only for playback, not really interested in the recording side of it anymore. Preferably a 3-head component.
Nakamichi, NAD, older Sony, etc. preferred.

I'm in Mumbai, but can also pick up stuff in Delhi or Bangalore (have friends there).
Do PM in case anyone has one.
#2 erstellt: 16. Jun 2008, 12:24
I have a 3 Head M/c ... the Top Of The Line AKAI, that is looking for a Good Home.

I have not switched it on for years.

Its yours Free of charge... but you will have to pick it up from Worli or Cuffe Parade.
#3 erstellt: 16. Jun 2008, 12:47

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Its yours Free of charge...

Wow! You're in luck abhijitnath. See what an awesome forum this is?

And its just your second posting!
#4 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 02:04

I too have 1.

I want to give it away.

But, mine comes with a twist;

It is 'quasi free'

It is a Technics 3 head tape - I will check on the model number & let you know.

I too will give it to you, but you will have to take Amp Nut + me for drinks + dinner in exchange & take us to listen to your set up !!!!

If you are OK with that, the Technics - 3 head is yours !!!

It really needs to go to a place where it will be used.
#5 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 05:14
Good gesture, AmpNut/Bhagwan.
#6 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 06:17

Kamal schrieb:
Good gesture, AmpNut/Bhagwan.

Thanks Kamal !

This is the link to what I have :-


Technics RS-B 965, DBX
[Model Number]

Picture :-

Top of the line Cassette Deck from 1990 in very good condition. Only minimal wear. It features dual capstan direct drive, 3 heads, Dolby B, C and DBX. The electronic bias, level and equalizer adjustment contributes to best recording results.

Another Condition - This is not to be Sold by the person that takes it. It is a classic & has a 'value' in the international market.
Use it - if you sell it, then the proceeds will have to be looked into.

I do not want to make this commercial - but at the same time I do not want any person to take it from me & sell it off.


[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 17. Jun 2008, 06:23 bearbeitet]
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#7 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 07:03
Thanks a ton, AmpNut/Bhagwan.
I'll take you guys out for sure..I work in Fort so anywhere in South Bombay is fine! Will PM both of you and we can coordinate plans
About my setup-Well, there isn't one yet to be honest. The Magnepan MMG speakers have been ordered and will be brought over to India by the end of the month.

The rest of the stuff:

Sansui AU 517 integrated amp.
Oppo Digital DV980H DVD/SACD/DVDA/CD player.
Some old Philips LP player-Philips 242 I believe (In bad shape, looking to upgrade once I can save some cash ).
Monoprice interconnects and speaker cable (Not a big believer in cable voodoo-is it blasphemy to say that here?;)).
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 11:57
Wow guys,

Somebody just got lucky!! I'm a tape deck freak too, so please let me know if anybody else got any good tape decks back from the good ol' days. Of course, I'm not really expecting to be as lucky as Abhi to get it for free. I'm ready to buy it. I have a tape collection of 300+ from my school days and really looking forward to start running them again. Please let me know guys. I'm in Bangalore by the way.

Bhagwan, please let me know if you still have this deck with you, cause I'm really interested to buy it. Let me know how much it might cost to send to Bangalore, too.

Enjoy your tape deck Abhi!

[Beitrag von jeetu_AVFreak am 17. Jun 2008, 12:05 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 13:46
Have a Nak 1000ZXL that really needs a GOOD HOME but this ain't going FOC !!
#10 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 13:55
Anybody wants to donate a good working CD player to a needy audiophile (that's me)? Drink and dinner assured!
#11 erstellt: 17. Jun 2008, 14:16
Heh heh suhaas....

you have to get really luck for that !

#12 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 01:54

audio_engr schrieb:
Have a Nak 1000ZXL that really needs a GOOD HOME but this ain't going FOC !!

Hi !

I can offer a DVD Player to you - after 3 months.
My house shall be renovated, so all the old gear shall be moved out. I seriously can give an old DVD Player - Pioneer off.

I also will have a Paradigm Esprit Monitor [tower] for sale - cheap - 25 K. I will sell its Integrated Amp too - Technics - Old Class 'A' @ 20/- K

Good start point for any aspiring audiophile.

#13 erstellt: 18. Jun 2008, 10:09
The Oppo is a great choice for an all round solution. Cds sound fantastic and DVD is just awesome.
Enjoy your tape deck from our large hearted fellow members!
#14 erstellt: 27. Jun 2008, 08:46
Gave my Tape Deck to 'abhijitnath' yesterday.
Hope he puts it to good use....

[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 27. Jun 2008, 10:48 bearbeitet]
#15 erstellt: 27. Jun 2008, 10:06
That leaves mine for the asking.... though I think it needs a new belt... have not switched it on for atleast 2 years.
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#16 erstellt: 27. Jun 2008, 10:14
Yeah, I went to meet Bhagwan69 yesterday...a fantastic setup with some incredible music as well!

Thanks once again (to both ofyou incredible gentlemen.)

[Beitrag von abhijitnath am 27. Jun 2008, 10:49 bearbeitet]
#17 erstellt: 27. Jun 2008, 12:45
Amazing aquisition Abhijit....do let us know how it sounds .
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#18 erstellt: 30. Jun 2008, 05:34
So I cleaned the player over the weekend and set it up. Great sound (although my speakers haven't reached me from the States, so heard it through my B & O A8 earphones).
Very clear output..I did notice some pitch stability problems after it played for 10-15 minutes, though, probably related to it not being used for over a decade. Post a servicing,I'm sure it would really shine!
Does anyone know reliable places to get the same serviced in Mumbai, by any chance?
#19 erstellt: 18. Jul 2008, 14:50

abhijitnath schrieb:
Very clear output..I did notice some pitch stability problems after it played for 10-15 minutes, though, probably related to it not being used for over a decade. Post a servicing,I'm sure it would really shine!

Did you manage to get the C.D. serviced ?
Is the pitch issue sorted ?
Did you get your Maggies ?

Do keep me posted.
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#20 erstellt: 24. Jul 2008, 04:44
Hi Bhagwan,
Sorry for the radio silence..was out of the country for a coupple of weeks, so couldn't manage to get it fixed. The Maggies should be here from Delhi when I return from there..will post pics and a short review of the setup when I do.

The one thing I'm very worried about is placement...the living room is this wierd L-shape..can't seem to figure out what to do with it. Room treatment would be very difficult due to WAF , and I can't figure out where to keep my turntable either (it clearly can't be kept behind the dipole speakers!) will try a few things when they get here, I guess.
#21 erstellt: 24. Jul 2008, 07:14
Which turntable do you have? I don't see a TT in your profile?
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#22 erstellt: 24. Jul 2008, 09:28
Ancient Philips 242, inherited from parents:-). Looking to upgrade with the year-end bonus. Looking at a Project RPM5 or 6.1, or a Rega P3. Was planning to open a thread on it when I scrounge the cash together.

It'll be connected to a vintage Sansui AU517 amp, which has 2 phono inputs, into the Maggies.
#23 erstellt: 25. Jul 2008, 00:23

abhijitnath schrieb:

The one thing I'm very worried about is placement...the living room is this wierd L-shape..can't seem to figure out what to do with it. Room treatment would be very difficult due to WAF ,.

it is quite a common problem..you should be able to get some good ideas with some patient "Googling" !

this link be helpful http://www.stereophile.com/finetunes/183/

the room treatment option is always the best but yes WAF is critical so you can always compromise with some aesthetic DIY treatments like potted plants in the corner, fabric wall hangings behind the speaker etc. not optimal but effective.
Maggies are great speakers but very placement sensitive and speaker position can be a very frustrating process sometimes !
..and once you get that right you get some really good sound. so do post in once you start with placing it.

[Beitrag von Arj am 25. Jul 2008, 00:25 bearbeitet]
#24 erstellt: 26. Jul 2008, 04:51
The one thing I have seen that some wives don't mind the treatment of corners with plywood/mdf and glass wool stuffing top to bottom.paint the board with the same wall colour. Make that into a cd rack and you are in business. Also helps control mid bass humps.

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#25 erstellt: 28. Jul 2008, 05:55
Those ideas sound good:-)
Let me try them once the speakers arrive. Thanks, guys!
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#26 erstellt: 11. Aug 2008, 10:56
So the Maggies arrived over the weekend....first impressions are just one word-soundstage. The downside is, of course, that my poorly mastered albums sound much worse, like Springsteen's Devils and Dust. Pat Metheny, Stan Getz and the like sound great.
Contrary to what I was expecting, the bass is really not all that bad. The speakers don't go too loud, though, but thats fine in my fairly small room.

The cassette player sounds very good, quite warm (although I've only been able to test it on a Savage Garden CD that my wife had. The Eject button wasnt' working too well. Need to get it serviced. No complaints on the sound, though).

Once again, a very warm thanks to Bhagwan. Do come over and have a listen sometime!
#27 erstellt: 11. Aug 2008, 11:09

abhijitnath schrieb:
Once again, a very warm thanks to Bhagwan. Do come over and have a listen sometime!

Glad to know you are enjoying it;

I am happy that the C.D. is being put to some use.

I surely will drop by for a listen - week end [long one].
Will call you and co-ordinate.
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