Totem Arro clone

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#1 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 09:32
This will be my first project and I hope I will make it work
At the end,it will look like this:

The drawing:

The x-over:
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#2 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 11:25
Hier ook al
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#3 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 11:40
jepjep Here we are again hehehehehehe,really want this to work so all help is welcome
#4 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 13:03
Hi Acqua

Back in da hood?

Why did you start the thrid thread for the same topic

Which chassis are you going to use?

Greetings, Mr.Bolsch
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#5 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:20
This topic is dedicated only for my clone,the rest was for differnet questions.
Just this,I need some help on this:
I need 8Ohm,can I use 8.2Ohm or do I place 3.3 and 4.7 after another?
Same with 3Ohm(3.3Ohm in shop) and 6Ohms(5.6 or 6.8 in shop)?
The units are from Peerless

[Beitrag von ACQUA am 24. Feb 2007, 19:23 bearbeitet]
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#6 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:24

I need 8Ohm,can I use 8.2Ohm or do I place 3.3 and 4.7 after another?

use 8.2

6Ohms(5.6 or 6.8 in shop)?

take 5.6

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#7 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:27
and this wont give any problems?You're the specialists and I your student
#8 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:29

ACQUA schrieb:
and this wont give any problems?You're the specialists and I your student ;)


can you mark the resistors in the crossover network?

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#9 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:34
1.5-1.5 gives 3Ohm (replace by 3.3Ohm???)
2.7-3.3 gives 6Ohm (replacy by 5.6Ohm???)
3.3-4.7 gives 8Ohm (replace by 8.2Ohm???)
#10 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:35

This are resistors of the E12 series, aren't they. So they have a tolerance of 10%. If you don't want to match them or buy precision resistors, you can use 8,2 for 8 Ohm, 2,7 or 3,3 for 3 Ohm, and 5,6 for 6 Ohm.

The Chassis are a good decision (I use the WA10 myself).

They are rather cheap, why did you want to replace them?

Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#11 erstellt: 24. Feb 2007, 19:38
I bought the units from DualDude,he hasn't got the time to finisch his Arro clone so now this becomes my first project in DIY speakers.

I'm planning on using MOX10 resistors,I dont know if there are resistors of 3, 6 or 8Ohms
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#12 erstellt: 25. Feb 2007, 14:31
And since i've used this design:

Ist häufiger hier
#13 erstellt: 23. Jan 2016, 11:57
Long time ago, sorry for using this thread.

I have some Totem Dreamcatcher and buy two new Peerless 832444 speakers. I want to clone the arro next days. Had somebody god informations für DIY? For example which tweeter to use, dimension, wood size, structure, the crossover network and so on?

Thanks for all help.
Best regards,
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