instead of buying building is better?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 23. Feb 2010, 22:25

In the "Kaufberatung" thread I asked about which speakers I should buy and then came on the idea to build my own. The project should not cost more than 125€ for a set. The speakers will be used with a midi setup from Technics SC-CA 1080. The stereo will be used in my office which is about 15 meters big. Music is everything between Pink Floyd to Slipknot. I am looking for a good all around-er that can play a little of everything. The box will be made of solid wood then painted with clear coat.

Thanks for any help.

#2 erstellt: 23. Feb 2010, 22:55

first of all - are you currently living in Germany? Important to know to be sure whether certain kits are available in your area.

125,- € is probably not too much so I would recommend a Broadband Speaker like the "Needle". Google for it or search this Forum. There's a lot material concerning this speaker.

Solid wood is not recommended for speaker-building. Use plywood instead!
#3 erstellt: 23. Feb 2010, 23:12
I always forget something... yep I live in Germany.
Sorry for the english I can read it without any problems I just hate to write it and you would not understand a thing if I tried . Ok with the wood I can also use MDF. I have built a lot of base boxes for car hifi but wanted my home speakers to look better.

Thanks Brian
#4 erstellt: 23. Feb 2010, 23:40

try this

you find many kits
#5 erstellt: 24. Feb 2010, 00:01
Have a look at my project "Das Schwarze Schaf". It should have, what you need!

125 € is per pair?
#6 erstellt: 24. Feb 2010, 14:17
I have been looking and here is a couple that seem intiresting.

anybody made these or have had a chance to listen to them?

Thanks Brian
#7 erstellt: 24. Feb 2010, 22:10
i would also recommend the Startairkit


And there is a good chance to find someone near who already build it.

But you should really take a look at the speaker made by spatz.

Especially if you are listening most of the time to music like slipknot. Due to the PA-Speaker used, it should kick ass

But it should also be good in playing calmer music.



[Beitrag von Samyk am 24. Feb 2010, 22:12 bearbeitet]
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