Need Feedback From Stereophile Subscribers

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#1 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2006, 15:44

I have been a Stereophile magazine (airmail) subscriber for almost 2 years.

When I conmmenced subscriptions, the magazine would reach me by the 20th of the month, eg March Issue by 20th March.

About a year ago I started getting the magazine VERY late.... around the 15th of the NEXT month ( March Issue after 15th April ! )

After getting a priliaminary run-around by the subscription dept, I escalated the matter, and I have been in touch with Very helpful staff, who now more often than not, courier the magazines to me, as and when I complain.

However, its been trying to complain almost EVERY month....

Incidentally, I have not yet received the Feb 2006 or the March 2006 Issues.

I would like to hear from any other forum memebrs that are Air Mail subscsribers to Stereophile, in India.

Are you getting your magazines on time ? Typically when each month ?

Thanks for your feedback

.....Nah - the magazine are NOT getting pilfered, because I do receive them U-L-I-M-A-T-E-L-Y
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#2 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2006, 17:26
Hi !

My Stereophile used to come to me in ADVANCE. i.e. December, 2005 issue would reach me in November, 2005.
I used to be extatic.

Unfortunately, from 2006 the things have gone out of sync. My other 3 magazines come to me in time, 1 week late, but they came.

My Feb & March, 2006 Stereophile magazine has not come in as yet.

I have sent reminder mails to Primemedia, no magazine at my place as yet; I wonder what is going on.......

I am so eager to subscribe for TAS [The Absolute Sound], but it seems that they do not deliver to India, it seems. It is there in the book shop @ Rs. 550 to 600, but not at 'subscription' prices.

Has anyone had any luck with TAS ?



#3 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2006, 03:56
Hi Bob,

I had no problem with TAS when I approached them for a subscription, about 1 year ago.

I infact wrote to them that their rates were TOO high for International subscribers. They are 3 TIMES the price of Stereophile... dont forget to factor in the fact that TAS is published every Alternate Month.

Their US subscription rates are similar to Stereophile, but their international reates are a rip off

They even replied to me but said they could not offer lower rates.

I did not subscribe.

Personally, I also feel TAS to be tooooo subjective. Also they have so many reviewers, that I find it difficult to know each reviewer's biases, (and discount them, when reading a review )

TAS is available at Oxford Book Stall near KC College.

Stereophile at Crossroads.... yeah the off the shelf price is a rip off for both....
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2006, 13:31
There used to be an International Book House opposite Regal Cinema dealing with foreign magazines. Do not know whether they are still in business.
#5 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2006, 14:41
Hi Behram,

The concern is that it costs more than double to pick each magazine from the shop, rather than subscribing...
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2006, 07:42
2nd hand magazines are available @ Rs. 100/- per magazine from this place in Gamdevi - opp the Police Station. The shops name is Mahavir Book Store / Stand.
This place is right next to the Telephone Exchange.

#7 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2006, 09:29
Thanks Bob,

Will check it out on Saturday...
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