SAAB jet fighter for sale --- really cheap!

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#1 erstellt: 31. Aug 2010, 01:12
Hey guys,
how about this:

SAAB jet fighter for sale

it's priced @ $175K *only* & can fly at Mach 2. You would pay much more for a Ferrari & the Ferrari sure cannot go at Mach 2. We have our ultra-expensive audio gear so this fits into the scenario really well, no???
I bet that Bhagwan69 & Sbfx heard systems in the Munich audio show that had a total cost of more than $175K!!
#2 erstellt: 31. Aug 2010, 15:32
what is the music system (IFE) it has inside ? if it is a bose ...forget it
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300% as much the price of the system isnt it cheap? i think its cheap what do u say.
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