26/11 Terror Attack on Mumbai

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#1 erstellt: 25. Jul 2009, 09:12
Dear All,

Please watch the video before it is removed.


Featuring police interviews, Kasab's testimony, Phone intercepts from pakistan & victims first hand story, Video footage inside the hotels, etc.

Terror has no religion. Terrorist killed people from all religions.

A horrifying event that has scarred us for life.


[Beitrag von SNV am 25. Jul 2009, 10:27 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 25. Jul 2009, 12:58
A gripping video SNV.

Thank you for that.

We as a nation need to be ever more vigilant. The slow pace in arming our police force and rapid action forces need to be stepped up on a war footing. This video needs to be made viral..pressure needs to be brought upon politicians and bureaucrats to electro-shock them into action.

Such wanton disregard to life is sub human.
#3 erstellt: 26. Jul 2009, 19:18

We humans seem to take the lead in having such utter disregard for life, ours and other species.

So I tend to believe that we as a race have hit rock bottom on sensitivity, mentality and attitude. Also look what we have done to this planet and others who live on it. Its a large ecological disaster spearheaded by humans. There is no sub-human, if you get the drift.Other species are far more aware of the importance of their surroundings and hence I put them on a higher plane.

#4 erstellt: 26. Jul 2009, 20:19
I think you either read my mind or made a typo

Agree with you on where we are..but we humans always had the tendency to be the lowlife . We just have more powerful tools these days to help us get there faster.

I guess we have always lived by missing the larger picture and concentratinng on smaller and frankly insignificant molehills masquerading as mountains
#5 erstellt: 27. Jul 2009, 05:57
Correct sir.

We are all set to destroy the planet and everybody on it.
Trust we, we will do a pretty good job of it.

And we consider ourselves most evolved :-)

#6 erstellt: 27. Jul 2009, 15:59

"For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with the extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth."Henry Beston, The Outermost House

Kind of sums it up right ?

#7 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 02:12
Beautiful Manek.

yes, unfortunately, we have lost our way and did so long ago. it is only the last 200 years have we really accelerated our path towards self destruction.

Soon it will be time for Mother Earth to rejuvenate and cleanse herself of us parasites and start over.
I however fear, we will just end up migrating to another 'host'. Plans are afoot and there are those who believe the Earth is already no longer inhabitable and have thus begun researching colonizing other planetary bodies and create artificial atmosphere capable of supporting and sustaining life. A twisted species we are. We possess the ultimate tool for survival yet use it to accelerate our own annihilation.
#8 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 04:57

Manek schrieb:

"For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with the extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth."Henry Beston, The Outermost House

Kind of sums it up right ?


Thats pretty profound..especially as we are the self proclaimed "Superior" species

If anyone of you has seen the movie Watchmen (Which incidentlally has a fantastic soundtrack for classic Rockers) one of the statements made is
"Humans are savage in nature. No matter how much you try to dress it up, to disguise it. "

[Beitrag von Arj am 28. Jul 2009, 05:21 bearbeitet]
#9 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 05:15

The other hosts too are doomed, poor guys, they just don't know what they are in for.

The key word here is "self proclaimed", blowing our own trumpet, still trying to achieve clumsily, what other species have achieved eons ago and destroying the habitat in the bargain.

We are like this only !
#10 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 13:55
i loved an MTv add a few years ago or when Mtv was REAL...

about a parent who told his toddler to GROW up and then the child crawling around the room and in the background are images of War and devastation created by man and the child turns to say "No.. You Grow Up"

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."


#11 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 14:59
hercule.....that was too good !

both, the MTV ad and the the good book.
#12 erstellt: 28. Jul 2009, 15:06

Savyasaachi schrieb:

Soon it will be time for Mother Earth to rejuvenate and cleanse herself of us parasites and start over.

Totally agree with you here. It is just natural evolution

@ Arj,
I agree about the "watchmen" movie. You shoudl read the graphic novel.
#13 erstellt: 29. Jul 2009, 01:56
thanks Manek...I have my moments....

Just visited the Eiffel Tower today and the structure has been standing for 120 years... what a structure....

We are still struggling to build bridges, metro's and roads to last a rainfall.

God save India and of course God Bless America (who create enough trouble to make sure they are on top)


#14 erstellt: 29. Jul 2009, 05:02

Correction....we are now building bridges to cover the opening ribbon cutting ceremony by a politician, after that its to each his own luck !

The view from the top is nothing short of breathtaking and the tower itself an engineering marvel.

Btw, some more large cracks on the metro rail bridge in delhi ! Another section is under the watch zone. When will these people here learn ?

And mumbai is getting one of those as well, being so densely populated I shudder to think what should happen in mumbai if a section collapses, god forbid.


[Beitrag von Manek am 29. Jul 2009, 05:06 bearbeitet]
#15 erstellt: 29. Jul 2009, 05:16
herculepirate said:

Just visited the Eiffel Tower today and the structure has been standing for 120 years... what a structure....

We are still struggling to build bridges, metro's and roads to last a rainfall.

I couldn't have said it better, or agreed more with you, on BOTH counts !
#16 erstellt: 29. Jul 2009, 11:07
That quotation was nice, in fact profound.
I often wonder about what the other members of the group are like. Good to see...

#17 erstellt: 30. Jul 2009, 13:01
Has anyone even heard of this EVER...
Can't Imagine it happening to anyone...

#18 erstellt: 30. Jul 2009, 17:11
I had not heard / read of this, but the Japs are a haughty race.

Their rape of Korean women and using them as 'Comfort Women" for their army is well documented.

Sadly, only the Jews have spoken up after WW-2 and MANY other war atrocities have been swept under the carpet...

But I huess we are diverging from this thread....
#19 erstellt: 30. Jul 2009, 19:23
Sorry about the derail...
Let about India.....
it enuff to occupy our heads and still be bewildered..

#20 erstellt: 31. Jul 2009, 05:35
Yes, japan has done many unmentionables around the ww2 period in asia. Their treatement of POW's has been as bad or worse and so were their actions towards the local population of the country the invaded. All done under the guise of war. India was saved by the skin of its teeth.

Now would actions like these constitute terrorism ? In my books, YES, though the word has been coined a little after the european end of ww2. BTW its ironic that one of the first groups to be labelled terrorists was a jewish faction during their struggle for israel by the british :-)


[Beitrag von Manek am 31. Jul 2009, 05:38 bearbeitet]
#21 erstellt: 31. Jul 2009, 23:08
Just that the numbers are absolutely insane ...

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