Are You a Sharpener or a Leveler?

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2009, 15:10

Nice read on how one views the system..nothing groundbreaking and actually a very simple article. but thought provoking all the same.
#2 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2009, 17:26

Here's another perspective in a similar vein, this time in the words of Michael Lavorgna:

"When I first sat next to Steve Guttenberg, he asked "So, are you an audiophile?" I hesitated, did the hands-up double-shoulder shrug (I give up, I'm guilty) and said "yes". Steve commented about this reluctance among audiophiles to freely fess up and my only comment was, "there are audiophiles and there are audiophiles". What I meant by this but didn't explain at the time was that there appear to be two main audiophile camps: complainers and enjoyers. I've never understood nor been part of the complainers' camp. Frankly, I just don't know why you'd choose to participate in a hobby that caused you so much grief. Listening to music on a hifi is meant to be enjoyed and that includes the process of deciding what hifi you want to buy. It also seems that the more you obsess over hifi, the unhappier you are. As opposed to, the more you obsess over music the happier you are. So yes, I'm a music-obsessed happy audiophile."

#3 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2009, 05:55

viren schrieb:
It also seems that the more you obsess over hifi, the unhappier you are. As opposed to, the more you obsess over music the happier you are.

Viren this is really very true but i guess for most of us we keep vaccillting between the 2. Eg in my case,I may reach real happiness over the system performance and really get thrilled untill someone shows another component which improves it and then one gets into the "Sharpener" mode... I have now decided to stop auditioning components and start auditioning music althopugh it is easier said than done
#4 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2009, 07:14
last para from the article:
"My advice: When it comes to selecting components and setting up a system, be as much of a Sharpener as you feel like. But when everything is working more or less to your satisfaction, it's time to switch out of the hypercritical Sharpener mode, become more of a Leveler, and have a good time just listening to the music"

exactly my thoughts
#5 erstellt: 12. Mrz 2009, 08:04
Interesting thoughts.
I get into the sharpening mode when I am upgrading something. Otherwise I am just enjoying music.
If I know some component can be upgraded, it will be there in the back of my mind and I plan for the upgrade and then stop worrying about it and just enjoy music.
Maybe the couple of weeks while the upgrade happens, I am in the Sharpening mode.
Constant sharpening mode will cause great distress to yourself and you will be a pain in #$^& for everybody in your life.
There is more to life. Good reproduction of music should enrich your life not cause distress. Just my two cents.
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