Ho Ho Ho - Its Christmas !

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#1 erstellt: 22. Dez 2006, 08:22
I guess its Christmas so we have to accept / tolorate bull shit...

Look what I fond on audiogon - Home Page !:

This is a $1 No Reserve Auction for the Clever Little Clock, direct from the manufacturer, Machina Dynamica. The Clever Little Clock is a remarkable audio accessory that improves the sound when placed anywhere in the room.

The Clever Little Clock also improves the video picture quality of any TV or HT system anywhere in the house - better contrast and color saturation and less noise.

The Clever Little Clock is battery powered and does not plug into the wall outlet. The Clock doesn't affect the audio signal anywhere in the audio system - including audio components, cabling/wires/house wiring or acoustic waves in the room. However, the sound with the Clever Little Clock in the room contains more information, is more transparent and open, and exhibits greater dynamics and frequency extension - i.e., More of Everything!

Positive Feedback review by Dave & Carol Clark at:


Hot off the Press!! -- "A Tweak Too Far" by James Saxon,

Soundstage A/V, in which the Clever Little Clock makes the scene. Full article at:


The Clever Little Clock is based on techniques and products of PWB Electronics, England and is produced by Machina Dynamica with the permission of PWB Electronics.

Super long lifetime batteries are provided with the Clever Little Clocks - lifetime expected to be more than 6 years. Batteries used for the clock are extensively prepared and should not be replaced with off-the-shelf batteries. Special replacement batteries will be available from Machina Dynamica in the future at a nominal cost.

Customer Comments for Clever Little Clock at:


#2 erstellt: 22. Dez 2006, 08:23
Maybe others can post other instances of TOTAL BS to audiophiles ? (Lets exclude Bose )
#3 erstellt: 22. Dez 2006, 15:00

What does soundstage have to do with this? That "Jim Saxon' needs a course on "scientific research and empiricism". He seems to be conducting a business of promoting all the fakes of the world. How can one prove that 'midrange' can improve because of a clock.

Such articles give a bad name to the hifi press. Thank goodness, our forum members don't write such stuff!
#4 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 10:31
in actual tests grandfather clocks added a perceivable warmth to the tone across the spectrum. the entire system also timed much better.
#5 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 19:54
Et Tu, Stevie?
The world contains suckers, hence suckees spring up to milk them.
Am waiting for the day when the local paanwalla latches on to this lucrative con game-"Eat my Audiophile Paan & see your stereo exhibit better low level info, wider& deeper soundstage, more transparency and depth, greater dynamics & low end extension-both the bass & your ass will get tighter!"
#6 erstellt: 09. Jan 2007, 07:46
Hi Kamal,

Some 'substance' in the pan will do this trick !
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