Used CDP

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#1 erstellt: 13. Sep 2006, 13:52
Im seeing a lot ads on used cdp,especially,marantz cd63,nad etc for about Rs 7k .is it safe to go after such deals.what are the things to look into,when considering buying a used cdp..
#2 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 05:20
R u refering to the ads on AVMAX. hmmm the prices are really tempting. plus they have the KI signature too.
#3 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 07:07
love your avtaar
brilliant picture !

#4 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 07:12
whose r u refering too.

If its mine thanks
#5 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 09:16
yes sunilyo....yours

#6 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 10:45

Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.

ya but your ears bleed instead IMHO
#7 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 11:18

Im seeing a lot ads on used cdp,especially,marantz cd63,nad etc for about Rs 7k .is it safe to go after such deals.what are the things to look into,when considering buying a used cdp

Unlike a loudspeaker or an amplifier, a CD Player has moving parts ... Hence wear & tear.

Further, the life of the Laser is typically 3 to 5 years ( if U R Lucky)

Hence I would avaoid a Pre-Owned CDP, unless I am mentally prepared to junk it ( if the price is that good ) in 1 to 2 years.
#8 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 11:32

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Further, the life of the Laser is typically 3 to 5 years ( if U R Lucky)

What are the symptoms that indicate the end of the laser ?

I had this BPL CD system which used to recognize read the tracks after a lot of tray open/close sessions. sometimes it just wont read them even if the CD was a brand new original. Is that a symptom too???

So one wants to repair will he have to get the entire lens catridge ???
#9 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 11:43

I had this BPL CD system which used to recognize read the tracks after a lot of tray open/close sessions. sometimes it just wont read them even if the CD was a brand new original. Is that a symptom too???

Yes it's exactly the symptoms and jumping form one song to another takes time. It might even be reason enough for lens to be dirty and after a good cleaning session it will resume.
#10 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 11:53

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

I had this BPL CD system which used to recognize read the tracks after a lot of tray open/close sessions. sometimes it just wont read them even if the CD was a brand new original. Is that a symptom too???

Yes it's exactly the symptoms and jumping form one song to another takes time. It might even be reason enough for lens to be dirty and after a good cleaning session it will resume.

I have done all kinds of cleaning sessions - used CD lens cleaners (which i think are just useless), i have opened the entire cabinet and cleaned it using spirit (one used in clinics for sanitizing purposes).

it works but in the next session the problems starts again.
#11 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 12:03
Then the lens has lived it's life...

You can replace lens and it's usually done with the lens slider assembly...
#12 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 12:32

What are the symptoms that indicate the end of the laser ?

I had this BPL CD system which used to recognize read the tracks after a lot of tray open/close sessions. sometimes it just wont read them even if the CD was a brand new original. Is that a symptom too???

YUP THAT IS the symptom of a dying Laser diode.

Its optical output is fading away, and is just not enough, when reflected, to be read reliably.

A better fix than cleaning ( as you have noticed that hardly works ) is to increase the laser current. You will find a Tiny Preset UNDER the laser assembly ( usually). Turn that about 25% of a turn. If that does not help, turn it the other way... Should work.... for awhile... a few weeks. The higher current will boost the laser's optical output, but then, even that will not be enough, and like great men, the laser will have fadded awayyyyy....

Changing the Laser is not a simple task... needs alignment instrumentation to get it correct, though the Road side guy often does do a quick-n-dirty job.

CD Players and DVD Players are generally getting not only cheaper, but also better by the year.

Try a new model...
#13 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 12:49
Thanks amp / Sub,

one more query, does regular usage affect the life of the laser/lens or is it inevitable whether u use the system or not ???
#14 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 14:46
Hi !

I agree with above opinions. Never go for a used CD or DVD player. Drop of Laser energy, Laser life, dirt / scratches on lens, misalignment of lens, etc. are real issues. I am coming from an experience of having used 5 CD players and 3 DVD players - none of them is immune to any of these problems. In fact CD players should be bought new & with a clear understanding that they wont last more than a couple of years (longer is bonus) - and in Delhi they literally "bite the dust" at very young age.


#15 erstellt: 14. Sep 2006, 15:22

one more query, does regular usage affect the life of the laser/lens or is it inevitable whether u use the system or not ???

The Laser (diode) has a specific MTBF ( Mean Time Before Failure ) in terms of hours of use.

The MTBF reduces by 50% for every 10 deg C operating temp increase.

Even a max storage ( Non Operating) temp of ( I think, but dont recall the specific figure for sure ) of about 30 deg C is specified, if you want anything close to its ambitious MTBF figure in the spec sheet.

Hence Doc's experience of short lived Laser diodes in Delhi has tech justification.

Worse - MUCH worse is the Car CD player. Its Storage temp is often over 65 deg C ( car parked in the Sun ) and then the REAL damage is done when the CD Player is witched on immediately after the car is started, so that the Laser diode is forced to OPERATE at 65 deg C !

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 14. Sep 2006, 15:25 bearbeitet]
#16 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 04:05
Are all these issues with CDP Lens/Diode prominent only in entry level players or even the higher end players suffer similarly ? I just cant think of buying a CDP for 50k and dumping it after a couple of years
It should atleast serve for 5-7 years IMO.

Even worse people buy CDPs worth 100k and above..what about them...even they have to.....dump

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 15. Sep 2006, 04:05 bearbeitet]
#17 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 04:25
I also agree with abhi's question.

Buying a CDP/DVDP for 50K every 2 years just in the name of quality sound !!! man u need to own a company (like DENON )
#18 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 05:51

SUNILYO schrieb:
I also agree with abhi's question.

Buying a CDP/DVDP for 50K every 2 years just in the name of quality sound !!! man u need to own a company (like DENON )

It's exactly for this reason that Denon got sold to Marantz


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#19 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 06:32
In an average cost Audio CD players say @Rs.10,000/- or so, the Lasor current preset is mounted on the motherboard. As the Lasor sensitivity reduces with aging and use this current needs to be increased proportionately. This is the norm rather than an exception. A service manual for the player will also display a testpoint where the voltage corresponding to the required lasor current is measured.

I own a Sony CDP51 player and have already adjusted it twice over a span of 14 years. My use is on an average of 5 hours per week. So one does not need to junk good players.

I have noticed that today's cheap slimline DVD players that cost approx Rs.3000 do not have this adjustment incorporated within them and one needs to replace the entire Lasor assembly costing around Rs.700/-.

#20 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 06:43
Thats news for me now.

Adjust current settings. This is also one difference between good and local brands comes in.

Hey Behram 14 yrs with the same CDP. Lucky one
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#21 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 10:15
The ads in avmax and elsewhere in net is quite temting,,,but now am dropping the idea,... ..scary truths.. thanks for the advice ..
#22 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 10:54
Even me too have understood the logic behind used CDP's and DVDP's.

thanks guys.
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