onkyo HT-S670

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#1 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 05:21
hi guys,

was planning to buy a ht , not something pricy but decent-best if near 20k-searched and reresearhed a lot from bose to onkyo to sonodyne to torvin etc etc-
was almost fixed on the JBL ecs xcite (20k) till i found the onkyo ht-s670 quite cool-except the price-its 48k in delhi-strangely the system is just $400 on the onkyo site, lesser on onkyo affiliate sites- ie if i can get it from the US .
have some questions tho'
1-any idea if yu get onkyo in the grey market?
2-and wud it make a great difference on warranty and connections if i manage it from the US ?
3-what comes in the standard box?

thanx in advance
#2 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 07:00
HTS 670 is retailed at 48k...but all Onkyo dealers sell it @40k.Onkyo is not available in Grey market except for few models. Avoid it as you will have a warranty problem.Onkyo has a good service back up if you buy em from a dealer.
getting from US will void u r warranty and is normally 110 volt version. Get a good quality voltage converter.The standard box includes :
1. AV receiver with remote.
2. Fronts(2), Surrounds(2), Center(1), Sub(1)
3. Cables.
#3 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 11:28
Ya Sub-Boss is right, you get HTS670 for 40k from the dealers but I think even that too will be twice your budget. So you can look at Onkyo HTS570 which is priced at 30k. But for 20k, the JBL is terrific....
#4 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 14:16
thanx sub boss-
so i am not trying for the grey market-
but yu think getting from the US is a good option if i get a good voltage converter cos yu get it for less than half(17k there and 48k here) and i can manage getting it-

#5 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 14:18
sorry to bother again,

checked with the onkyo dealer here in delhi,
international warranty works in india-even if i buy the system there...

#6 erstellt: 19. Apr 2005, 15:12
Ya that is a big difference in price and you can easily think of getting it from there.
#7 erstellt: 20. Apr 2005, 05:23
Then go ahead with HT 770 the best of the best in HTiB's
#8 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 14:08
hi sub boss-
2 more questions-
1-how do you play a 110 v US model of the onkyo HT in India-
2-what happens if u playa 5.1 dvd on a 6.1 system like the onkyo hts770,
Hat sich gelöscht
#9 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 15:26
u will need a decent 220v to 110 v step down transformer of power rating more than the power comsunmption of the device to which it is connected. for eg. if the receiver and the sub adn the dvd take say around 600w. then u will need to have a step down transformer of a rating higher than 600w.

regarding the 5.1. the receiver selects the setup according to the audio selected in the software . for eg if the software is 5.1 then only the 5.1 speakers output the sound and the other channel is made redundant.
onkly of late am i seeing dts-es formats which use 6.1( i think).
#10 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 16:07

Can you name some good 220V to 110V converter... Also if you can tell me the specifications that one has to look out for in the device (any ratings etc...) that will be really helpful...

Hat sich gelöscht
#11 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 17:18
#12 erstellt: 02. Mai 2005, 09:39
Hi Guys,

I recently purchased Onkyo 570 HTiB for about 33k (In chennai), and I am very much satisfied with it's performance. But When I looked into US websites for it's price, I found they sell it for 300$. Why there is huge difference in price between India and US?. Can anyone explain??

[Beitrag von rsrg am 02. Mai 2005, 09:41 bearbeitet]
#13 erstellt: 02. Mai 2005, 11:46
33k for Ht570..he has taken u for a ride...it sells at 30k retail and 28k is the price paid by all..if not too late return it your dealer
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#14 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 06:15
Hi Anirvan,
If u can manage to get the HTS-670 from the US, u just need a good 220V - 110V step down transformer. The rating has to be atleast 1KVA. Make sure that there are atleast 2 flat pins in the converter, one for the reciever and the other for the sub. Avoid routing the video from the converter as the difference in the cycles (60Hz and 50Hz) will cause some distortion in the video. Route only the audio thr the reciever and the video thr the dvd player. The converter should cost u less than Rs 3000.
Alternatively, if u can manage to get a universal model of HTS-670 from the US, then u wuldnt need any converters as the universal models will have a voltage switch.

Guys, how much will a good digital coaxial cable cost. There is some DAC one, how much is that ?
#15 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 09:49

>33k for Ht570..he has taken u for a ride...it sells at 30k >retail and 28k is the price paid by all..if not too late >return it your dealer.
Where can I get Ht570 or 670 for 28k/ 40k ?
Are these real price ?
I have just enquired in Mumbai and Chennai ...they are asking for 45k/48k !
Please tell me some place in Mumbai or Pune where I can get these HTS.
#16 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 09:54
One dealer is ready for 35k for HTS 570....where can I get less than this ?
Ist häufiger hier
#17 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 10:06
just dont feel comfy with this onkyo system for some reason... nothing specefic just a vibe...

Anway wrote in basically to say that you wont find it cheaper in delhi atleast.
#18 erstellt: 18. Mai 2005, 08:22
yup thats what it costs in bangalore...and must be same every where..just bargain those asses to the core
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