connecting mini hifi to av receiver

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#1 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 06:20
i have a philips mini combo (fw 630) which i intend to connect to avr for listening to tapes. the philips system has only headphone port for audio out.

will there be a degradation in sound quality if i connect the system to avr via headphone out? do i need to convert it to rca input for av receiver (sonodyne av 300r)?

the same query applies to my tv also, which has a headphone port as audio out only.

#2 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 09:47
Check if your Philips has a line should be there.
Headphone out is normally not reccomended
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#3 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 10:08

abhi.pani schrieb:
Check if your Philips has a line should be there.
Headphone out is normally not reccomended

There is no line out, only line in. The headphone impedance is stated as 32 ohm to 1000 ohm (3 Vemk - 150 ohm). Output power of the amplifier is 2x45W RMS/6 ohm/THD 10%. This is what stated in the manual.

#4 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 10:23
Since you dont have a choice, use the Headphone out from the mini combo, to feed your avr.

However, I would be more cautious conning your TV to anything else that draws power from the Mains.

Some TVs have a 'Live' chassis, and Sparks could fly .... literally !
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#5 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 10:32
Amp_Nut, could you elaborate on this please. At present I have connected my other TV, Thomson 29" Scenium to Altec Lansing VS4221 (2.1) only recently by headphone out. Previously it was connected to the DVD player only. Its rating is only 35 W RMS only. Should I disconnect it from TV and reconnect to DVD then.

#6 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 13:45

kousik_s schrieb:
Its rating is only 35 W RMS only.

Only?? Isn't that enough?
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#7 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 19:00

Shahrukh schrieb:

kousik_s schrieb:
Its rating is only 35 W RMS only.

Only?? Isn't that enough? :L

when i play dvd i have to really crank up the volume to about 75-80% of max. also, the tweeters are really small. the sub is good though.
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