polk sorroundbar

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#1 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 14:48
Hi Guys,

check this link ,


Its very interesting!
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 18:56

This is much like the Yamaha surround all-in-one (Iforget the model- think its Ysp 1000) only much smaller.

The yamaha has 42 drivers and needs to be coupled with a subwoofer for best effects.

I had a demo recently of this (there are two models of the Yamaha) and felt it is a concept that is going to catch on pretty fast especially among those that are not too particular about the overall sound as well as find rewiring a big pain. Ladies of the house will love it as there will be no messy wires going all over!

The sound is good over a smaller space. Its no good if you have a larger room. The multiple drivers manage to produce a good surround effect but this will not fill a larger room.

Good for movies only, not for music. Of course, if one is playing some crap like Trance etc then it wont matter I guess!

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