Anyone attending CES ?

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#1 erstellt: 26. Dez 2005, 12:00
Hi all,

Is any of members attending the CES at Las Vegas ?
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#2 erstellt: 26. Dez 2005, 16:25

True_sound schrieb:
Hi all,

Is any of members attending the CES at Las Vegas ?

Local Show attend karne ke wandhe hai !!! CES kaun jaiyega ???

We should first ask how many of our Forum members attended the Bombay - Hyatt AV Revolution !

Not to forget, how many will attend the AV Max Show in Hyderabad in Jan ? If we have people coming to the Indian Shows then we could expect any form of attendence to CES !!!

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#3 erstellt: 28. Dez 2005, 08:24
I agree with you,since I'm visit almost all local shows my curiosity pushed me...!Anyhow after the CES I'll be back to Hyd for the AVMAX show @ Taj Krishna
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#4 erstellt: 28. Dez 2005, 16:21
Perfect, please do visit Alexis Park - Sweedinsh Tech Room - Marten Design + Jorma Cables + Bladelius Room.

Their new reference speaker - SUPREME - is being launched. Please do hear it & let me know. I will appreciate it. Pictures too would be well appreciated.



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#5 erstellt: 02. Jan 2006, 09:34
Yeah ! Alexis Park holds all the High End stuff I'm planning for 1 full day there.
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#6 erstellt: 02. Jan 2006, 12:04

True_sound schrieb:
Yeah ! Alexis Park holds all the High End stuff I'm planning for 1 full day there.

'Swedish Statement'
at CES 2006, at the Alexis Park Resort Hotel, Las Vegas. Suite no. AP2007.

This is the room I want you to go to - please......

Do let me know what your impressions were.



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#7 erstellt: 10. Jan 2006, 04:33
I writing this from the Vegas.The show was fantastic as it was always.This year they claim it as record breaking attendees (True !).I was there at the Alexis park.As per request I visited the Marten room also.All demos were out classed by MBL and Accapella.I would rate the MBL as the best (even their prices !)Truly astonishing.I will write more on my trip once I'm back home with foto's.
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#8 erstellt: 10. Jan 2006, 08:07

Did you get a chance to listen to Coltrane Supreme ?
Swedish Statement ?
How was it ?

MBL was nice ? Surprising, heard it many a times in different countries and did not think they were reference level.

Accapela I like a lot, but then again, you always liked the Carona Ion Tweeter; But I too like Accapella !!!

I look forward to seeing the pictures, do post them & keep a link here so that we can see it.

How is the Thiel's + Pass Labs + New Speaker ?


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