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Who's attending the Times AV show?

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#1 erstellt: 27. Okt 2005, 14:49
I plan on attending the Times AV show in Mumbai to be held between Nov 11 to 13. Main attractions being Cadence and Avant Garde speakers.

Are any other forum members attending? If so, we can meet.
#2 erstellt: 27. Okt 2005, 15:04
I'll be attending for sure.
Hat sich gelöscht
#3 erstellt: 27. Okt 2005, 15:18
aww..guys ur making me jealous..
#4 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 05:23

Neutral schrieb:
I plan on attending the Times AV show in Mumbai to be held between Nov 11 to 13. Main attractions being Cadence and Avant Garde speakers.

Are any other forum members attending? If so, we can meet.

Well there are more attraction that will be there besides Dadence & Avant Garde.

B & W 800D [this should be the star of the show]
+ Theta + Kimber

Gamut L5 + Electronics [CD + Pre + Power]

Maggie 20.1 + Jeff Rowland

Dynaudio + Chord + Clearaudio + Whest + Wavac + Nordost

Avant Garde [Trio] + Nagra + Metronome + Cardas

JM Labs [Diva Utopia - BE]

Mirage + Lapgrupen

Teac Esoteric

I could go on. But these will surly be there. Should make for interesting listening.

However, all will not be in the same rooms, so it may or may not be a fare comparison. None the less, I am not going to complain.

This much gear, in India is a lot in any case.

I do hope I can attend [might be travelling].
If I Can, it will be a great experiance.
I am looking forward to it.

#5 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 05:27
[quote="benkenobi"]aww..guys ur making me jealous..
:( :|[/quote]

There is a very very simple solution.

Just book your self on a super apex flight to Bombay on Saturday morning. Attend the Show & fly back late night.

It will cost you about 6 K at the max. Just think you purchased a power cord or an interconnect cable that was lost.

You will get to experiance a lot.

There is a lot of gear that will be on demo.

Nice chance to listen to it under 1 roof. Do consider. It will me money well spent.

Besides you will get to listen to a lot of gear that is more often writen about in audio magazines & various forums [fori]. You can form your own opinions after listening instead of accepting some one else's point of view.

#6 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 05:44

bhagwan69 schrieb:

benkenobi schrieb:
aww..guys ur making me jealous..

Just book your self on a super apex flight to Bombay on Saturday morning. Attend the Show & fly back late night.

Say Sachi,

We Bombay folks feel J too. We don't get to audition your fabulous powered speakers

I do hope I enjoy the show this time. Then I can write some interesting reviews Previous shows focused too much on the V and the HT and forgot about good old stereo.


I stay at Bandra and work in Andheri. Any chance that I can meet you? Where are you put up.


How come you know so much about the show? It will be a shame if you miss it. I will surely check out the stuff you mentioned. Listening to equipment costing lakhs or millions never kills the bank balance Will the show guys allow me to play my own CDs? That's the only way I will be able to compare the sound quality. No way to compare Norah in one room with Hotel California in another and Lord of the Rings in a third.
#7 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 06:34

I stay in Andheri East and work at Lower Parel. We should definitely meet up before the show. Bhagwan, what about you? Let's all meet up and go for demos together. Bhagwan, with your influence maybe you can get us to spend some extra time with the equipment, what say??

Benks, tu bhi Mumbai aaja yaar!

[Beitrag von Shahrukh am 28. Okt 2005, 06:36 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 10:40
Hi !

All the gear that is on dema is available to any of you guys in the public domain. The Times AV Revolution site has most of the details there. In fact who is in which booth too is mentioned. Just go and have a look. Better still, you can call up their office & find out.

I have a small piece of advice to give to all you guys out there. Please for heavens sake go to the show only WITH YOUR OWN REFERENCE CD's. If you cannot carry it all, make a COPY [sorry for saying this] & get that along. Just ensure that the CDR is not a Computer CDR but one that is made from a CD Burner [desk top version]. This is imperative.

You may listen to what ever you want, Jazz + Classical [Western or Indiam] + Folk + Rock etc. But CARRY YOUR OWN SOFTWARE. This will not only help you to evaluate the set ups better, but the person giving the demo too will take you more 'seriously'.

[quote]Bhagwan, with your influence maybe you can get us to spend some extra time with the equipment, what say??

I do not have any 'influence' with any person. I am just a regular person like any one else. I am a 2 channel audio enthusiast & that is all !!!!

Besides any person can sit in any room for as long as he desires - there is no restriction. At least I have never been stopped or asked to leave. In fact, all the persons in the various demo rooms like to have people that 'know' what is going on as opposed to 'bose lovers'.

So come to the show, attend all 3 days & audition gear to your hearts content.

P.S. The Pepper Steak in the Coffee Shop down stairs is just brilliant. That must be had. Do not miss the opportunity.

See you guys there !!

#9 erstellt: 31. Okt 2005, 05:07
count me in.Saturday seems like a good day.What say you guys ?

#10 erstellt: 08. Nov 2005, 06:13
Yes Saturday sounds good. What say, Shailesh?
#11 erstellt: 08. Nov 2005, 06:21
Read the TOI today (Mumbai). Big supplement on the AV Show. One name that certainly stands out by its absence is Mission. Has Mission left Indian shores after joining IAG?
#12 erstellt: 08. Nov 2005, 09:13

Hello All !

Please do get your demo disc along.

This is just a small reminder.

I do hope all the forum members take the time & visit the Show. At least the ones that stay in Bombay.

It should be a nice show - well that is what I hope for... Get a chance to listen to the gear that is writen about but never 'auditioned' [almost never] !!!!

All the Best !

Happy Listening


P.S. I will only be in a position to get there on Sunday.
#13 erstellt: 08. Nov 2005, 10:25
Saturday afternoon post-lunch seems like a good time.
That will give us around 5 hrs at the show. Sufficient to visit the 40 odd stalls and demos.
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#14 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 05:52
Anyone planning to go there on Friday?
#15 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 06:40
Naah! Got office on Friday. Saturday still sounds good.
#16 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 17:39
I'll be wearing a bright pink shirt and blue jeans on Saturday. Hope to be there around 2pm.
#17 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 06:57
I'll be wearing a very ruffled hairstyle and a look of absolute amazement on my face!
Ist häufiger hier
#18 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 09:43
Not to mention scrambling on all fours to escape the raging stampede bent upon demoing the Bose room and the huge woofers

My only experience with this show was back in 2004 when they set shop in Chennai. The place was a rush and there was nothing much beyond the bose and Boston acoustics demo rooms gauging from the crowd reaction. There were huge queues outside these rooms (me included) wanting to catch a glimpse of the cutie 'hi-tech' tiny speakers (I was there more out of curiosity to see how ppl look with their mouths open and gazing in awe at a pretty lady with a neat skit to act out). There were also the customary smart-alecs who have heard all about Bose's marketing gimmicks and asked the usual "what are the specs of the speakers", etal with an american accent(desi lingo creeping in nonetheless ). Anways i came out in one piece with a lot of brochures that were stuffed into my face presumably to ward off any hostile questioning sessions that would expose the assailant.

Would much rather go to a showroom or friend's place and listen in peace.
#19 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 11:18
[/quote] Gosh
#20 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 11:20

Shahrukh I'll be wearing a very ruffled hairstyle and a look of absolute amazement on my face!
Neutral I'll be wearing a bright pink shirt and blue jeans on Saturday. Hope to be there around 2pm.

#21 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 11:27
put together like that it sounds like a real hot date
#22 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 11:59
Yeah! You just won't miss us!
#23 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 12:02
wish i was there. seems when u shift cities stuff starts happening in the city u've left. murphy's law... post reviews though!!!
#24 erstellt: 10. Nov 2005, 12:06
Will do Steve. I understand Cadence is launching their newest speaker at the show. Also looking forward to listening to the Avant Gardes!

Hey, you were here last year during the show, remember??
#25 erstellt: 11. Nov 2005, 09:29
nah. missed that one. was there the year before... the bandra one. that was such a washout hardly any stuff that i gave last years a miss. would love to listen to the new cadence.. sigh.
#26 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 08:25
So, anyone had gone? How was it?
#27 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 10:22

zhopudey schrieb:
So, anyone had gone? How was it?


The show was good the room that were worth listening was the Gamut room it was the best sound of the show according to me the cadence room was O.K. the tone of the new speakers is right but the sad part is the room they are in is not perfect, the speakers don’t disappear in the room.

The Avantgarde and Nagra room was different but the shocking thing is that the speakers actually could disappear when not played ballistic loud, which they played loud mostly.

In the end gamut stole the show the synergy of that rack is superb the speakers were hardly broken-in but they absolutely disappeared and the stage was very wide dept was there but not what it can be I'm sure it will achieve it after break-in.



[Beitrag von sbfx am 13. Nov 2005, 10:25 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#28 erstellt: 13. Nov 2005, 17:54
Been to AV expo today. It was much better organised and attended than AV Max Flop show.
I liked Avant Demo, and Omni Sat one.
#29 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 04:46
But then at what price.The entire Gamut setup was close to 36 Lakhs, i 'm told.
#30 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 05:59
Gamut, Gamut and more Gamut! OMG! This was easily the best sounding setup I heard. Congrats Framroz! And did y'all see the Transparent Audio speaker cables... man they were as thisck as my...well... arm!

Beautiful, beautiful sound! Superb soundstage! I had taken along my own CDs, and on Diana Krall's "peel me a grape", the pop of the champagne cork was like almost 2 feet away from the right speaker. Wowee!

I didn't get much time with them. But one thing's for sure. I'm going to Lakozy very soon to mesmerize myself!
#31 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 06:29
[quote="Krish"]But then at what price.The entire Gamut setup was close to 36 Lakhs, i 'm told. 8)[/quote]

I am not sure of what the price is, but it is surely not 36 lacs. More like 20 lacs [I guess].
I actually never asked for the price.

HOwever, the set up was really nice.

I liked what I heard.

Unfortunately, I could go only on Sunday.

The place was worst than a India Pak Cricket Match. Like a fish market. There was no way one could have got any half descent audition in.

I liked the Audio Aero + Bryston Pre & Power + Avant Garde Uno. Very very nice and clean set up. IT was not a demo, just a small fill in. But it played classical ensemble very very well. It was worth the notice.

The Trio did 'disappear' & its shear scale was mammoth. But not my kind of sound. Could not appreciate it.

I liked the Monitor Audio Gold + Prima Lune + Audio Analogue set up too. Was playing rather well. May be not worth the price.

The Cadence set up was 'mad' to say the least !! I was either blind or I do not know what. The speakers were placed in a 'crazy' fashion ! I am aware of the rear wall being 'cross' [so do not shout off], but the piano was playing in 2 levels, & the vocals were not at all focused. The speakers also had not 'disappeared' from the room. The set was had a lot left to be deisred. Good gear - poorly set up !! The new speaker is nice.
The SME 20 was tracking very very well. I liked that. But I also liked the Forsell DAC [very very good product].

The Mirage room was nice too. A bit Bass heavy - but nice. Good Value for Money Speaker.

I will write detailed review of the Gamut L-5 & Electronics in a different thread.

The Times AV Show was a success.

I would have liked to have got the chance to see the B & W gear & Dynaudio - they were missed.
#32 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 06:37

Shahrukh schrieb:
Gamut, I didn't get much time with them. But one thing's for sure. I'm going to Lakozy very soon to mesmerize myself!

Well I am not too sure if they will be in LaKozy; I might be wrong, but just check before you land up there.

There is a higher possibility of the set up being on 'demo' @ Hermit Audio's office - demo room !!! You may have to check with Hermit Audio & drop by.

I would like to get the chance to listen to them again [L-5 & Gamut Electronics] in a smaller room. I was of the impression that the Board Room # 02 was very very big for the 2 cut paper revelator woofers !!!!
But the set up was really very very good. A bit more of 'depth' would be well appreciated. This will happen in a smaller room.

I almost forgot to mention, I did get the chance to listen to the MANAGER [oops sorry !!] Manger 103. They sounded
like they were on a 'diet'. There was a huge 'hole' in the middle of the sound stage. The electronics that were with it were too good !!! NAD Classic Series. The person in the demo room was asleep most of the time. I was wondering what was going on.
Any Comments ?

#33 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 06:48

There is a higher possibility of the set up being on 'demo' @ Hermit Audio's office - demo room !!! You may have to check with Hermit Audio & drop by.

Where is Hermit Audio? The guys involved were from Lakozy (Khushroo/Framroz) so I figured Lakozy had brought them to India. - I would love to hear the L3 bookshelves though.

I am not sure of what the price is, but it is surely not 36 lacs. More like 20 lacs [I guess]. I actually never asked for the price.

I didn't ask the price of the entire setup but was told that the speakers alone were around five-and-a -half lakhs. (There goes my down payment for the house ;))
#34 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 06:52

khanmadari schrieb:
Been to AV expo today. It was much better organised and attended than AV Max Flop show.
I liked Avant Demo, and Omni Sat one.
Rgds :D

If you liked the Mirage room - you should have listened to the Infinity Cascade Room.

I Liked that set up. Good for a life style product. Great 'Bass' for HT. Did any of you guys get a chance to go to that room ?

Any comments on the JVC Stall ?? Just Kidding ?

The Sim2 Projector in a big room down was nice. Not that I know much about video - but it looked nice. There was also a nice DLP Rear Projection in the Samsung Room @ Rs. 225/- THis was nice. Bettwe than most Plasma's. Did you guys get to see it ??? Comments ???

Did any of you guys listen to any of the Car demo's ?
I would like to know what your impression was.

I was very very happy to see that MB Quart had its products on Display. Unfortunately no demo car. I really want o listen to those components. If any of you guys have a set up or get the chance to listen to it, do let me know. Please. I am most anxious.


#35 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 06:59
What really dissapointed me was PLAY. I mean, they have such wonderful speakers like MA's but instead of focussing on music (where I feel the MAs excel) they had a shoddy 5.1 setup. And add to that some animated film like Monsters Inc. or something. Sad.
#36 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 07:05
Where is Hermit Audio? The guys involved were from Lakozy (Khushroo/Framroz) so I figured Lakozy had brought them to India. - I would love to hear the L3 bookshelves though.
I didn't ask the price of the entire setup but was told that the speakers alone were around five-and-a -half lakhs. (There goes my down payment for the house )[/quote]

You are right - the L-5 is @ about 5.5 L. It has a suggested retail price of British Pound 6 K. i.e. Rs. 5.10 L.

I did not see LaKozy @ their room - the board read Hermit Audio. So I am presuming, that it is a new entity all together. But I am not sure - hence no comments.

FL [Framrose] is a client of KJ [Khushrau]. The L-5 will go to his place in all possiblity - well that is what I presume [to complete his set !!!]

THe L-3 may never come - there is no market for a person that would like to buy a 3L Rs. 'Book - Shelf' speaker. The L-7 will sure come.

However, the L-3 has been very very well reviewed in the Danish Press [Editor's Choice]. I too would like to hear it in India. Did get a chance to listen to it in HK 2 months back. I would like to know how it stands up against the Special 25 [Dynaudio] - Micro Utopia BE [JM Labs] - Incognito Signature [Peak Consult] - 805 Signature [B & W]. It would make for an interesting comparison.

More later !

#37 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 07:16

Shahrukh schrieb:
What really dissapointed me was PLAY. I mean, they have such wonderful speakers like MA's but instead of focussing on music (where I feel the MAs excel) they had a shoddy 5.1 setup. And add to that some animated film like Monsters Inc. or something. Sad.

No No !! I was there in their room on Sunday for a bit ! Was treated rather well in their 2 channel room.

They had a MA Gold GR 60 or 80 playing with Prima Luna - KT 88 Tube amp. Front end was Audio Analogue. The sound was OK - not bad. The Wine too was nice - Rose - Zinfindel [IVY]. Cookies & Cream Crackers too were served to me. It was a very very soft & comfortable environment. I quiet liked it. The sound was as good as the electronics alloyed it to be. The speakers had disappeared.

Maybe you went to their HT Room & Not their 2 channel room. The ht room was a bit cluttered up, I too felt that.

#38 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 07:26

Maybe you went to their HT Room & Not their 2 channel room. The ht room was a bit cluttered up, I too felt that.

Dang!! Guess I did. There were serving Zinfandel? Double Dang! Just got so put off by the HT room that I didn't bother about going to their other room.
#39 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 08:11

Krish schrieb:
But then at what price.The entire Gamut setup was close to 36 Lakhs, i 'm told. 8)


Speaker @ 5.5
CD @ 2.5
Pre @ 3.3
Power @ 4.7

This is what the approximate Retail Price of the Gamut Rack was @. Including the Interconnects, but excludes the Speaker Cables & Power Conditioning.

This is what I was told @ the Board Room @ 2.


#40 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:12

The place was worst than a India Pak Cricket Match. Like a fish market. There was no way one could have got any half descent audition in.

Agree.I too could make it only late Sunday evening.I was saying to a few people that mebbe the next time around, they should separate the A/V from the HiFI stuff.

Kinda HT demos to the right and HiFI to the left.The bass from the other HT demo rooms was far too overpowering.

The Gamut was really,really nice, transparent,ethereal and all that but a bit much at 16L, I thought.

I could not spend too much time in the Manger room, yes but I too wonder why Marbin choose to partner the Mangers with the NAD set up?

How were the Mirage and Monitor audio demos?Missed those I'm afraid.

Also had a 'intersting' encounter with the designer at the Sanen stall.Did any of you notice his new speakers ? He uses both a Kevlar and Graphite composite midrange with a silk dome tweeter.That's not all the speakers also boast a 8 inch or 10 inch downward firing woofer.Unfortunately I could not audition it in the demo room.

#41 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:28
While Sanen's speakers impress with specs on the face of it, I never really cared too much for their sound. Dunno about the particular speaker you mention though.
#42 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:33

Shahrukh schrieb:
While Sanen's speakers impress with specs on the face of it, I never really cared too much for their sound. Dunno about the particular speaker you mention though.

Dear Shahrukh
Good quality enclosures for car speakers though.
Regards Deaf
#43 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:38

Shahrukh schrieb:
While Sanen's speakers impress with specs on the face of it, I never really cared too much for their sound. Dunno about the particular speaker you mention though.

The Speakers are great VFM [Value for Money].

I did get the chance to audition them @ 27K.

Not exactly 'AudioPhile' Sound, but for a guy that wants a
'good' Floor Stander for HT & some Music this is a very very solution. The amount that he packs into a 27K package is really very very good solution.

80 % use as HT & 20 % as music is good.

I Had seen them for the 1st time @ Taj Lands End [Regent] for the 1st time. Had made fun of him for replicating a JM Labs Utopia. Later went and apologised to him after I realised what I had done. I still feel very very bad for having done so. It takes a lot of 'Balls' to try and copy a great design. Guys on the DIY circuit copy Avalons + Wilsons & we get happy. Someone in India does it & we run the poor chap down. I do not think that is the right attitude. We should try and accommodate.

This current speaker is a valliant effort. We should encourage it. This is Hi-Fi for the common man. Better than 'made in China'. THe Front Baffle is very very good. A lot of nice principals [audio] have been applied.

SANEN you have my support; Keep doing what you do & continue to 'dream' & 'innovate'.

Some Day you will get your reward.

All the Best !!!


[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 14. Nov 2005, 10:42 bearbeitet]
#44 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:43
Hello everyone,
I am based in chandigarh, i did not attend the AV show,
I just wanted to know, is there any new good speakers came in 30k to 50 k range in show which u all the experts like.

#45 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:50
Dear Bhagwan,

I'm sure he's doing a wonderful job. What I expressed was merely my own opinion on the sound of the speakers.


I've never heard his car speakers but I'll take your word for it
#46 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:54

Shahrukh schrieb:
Dear Bhagwan,

I'm sure he's doing a wonderful job. What I expressed was merely my own opinion on the sound of the speakers.


I've never heard his car speakers but I'll take your word for it ;)

Dear Shahrukh
Just a clarification,I did not talk about the sound of his speakers,I merely said he makes good enclosures.I may use him as OEM supplier for my car speaker enclosures.
Regards Deaf
#47 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:56

Just a clarification,I did not talk about the sound of his speakers,I merely said he makes good enclosures.I may use him as OEM supplier for my car speaker enclosures.

Point noted!
#48 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 10:58
Geschützter Hinweis (zum Lesen markieren):

#49 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 11:18

Bhagwan wrote

The Speakers are great VFM [Value for Money].

I did get the chance to audition them @ 27K.

Not exactly 'AudioPhile' Sound, but for a guy that wants a
'good' Floor Stander for HT & some Music this is a very very solution. The amount that he packs into a 27K package is really very very good solution.

80 % use as HT & 20 % as music is good.

Well the speakers that I am referring to ain't cheap.The Sanen plans to sell them at 75K and at that price I'm sure he is aiming for the 'serious audiophile'

Here is another thing that struck me as being a bit odd-at some point in our conversation I attempted to rap the cabinet to see if it was hollow or dead.On seeing me do that, beleieve or not, this chap says to me that the cabinet would sound a bit hollow because it was only a shell for an entire other cabinet inside.And how that cabinet was solid.

Also I didn't seem to clearly understand the reason for his reason for using 2 midrange drivers with two different materials.Not to mention the bottom firing 10 incher.

With so many radical features, I was just wondering if anybody here actually got a chance to audition them.

#50 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 13:46
The Cadence set up was 'mad' to say the least !! I was either blind or I do not know what. The speakers were placed in a 'crazy' fashion ! I am aware of the rear wall being 'cross' [so do not shout off], but the piano was playing in 2 levels, & the vocals were not at all focused. The speakers also had not 'disappeared' from the room. The set was had a lot left to be deisred. Good gear - poorly set up !! The new speaker is nice.

Hi All,
I heard this too,I have to agree with Bhagwan.What is Cadence doing?The earlier products were truly from the heart,the new ones,I have never heard them sound good.At this show the setup left a lot to be desired.The new speaker,I could hear the box,so distintly,maybe it needed break in,too new I guess.I don't know how Ajay Shirke can approve of the show sound.Hope they put in more effort the next time around.
Regards Deaf.
#51 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 17:02
The Times AV show was worth every minute of the 4.5 hrs that I spent there. The only sad thing was that I did not meet any of our members, but considering the crowds company would not have been feasible.

I of course focused on the stereo systems and avoided the home theatres. Though I had my ears drilled into by a Sanen system selling for 17,500. The excess treble at high volumes was outright horrible. The high-end system from Sanen was worth it though. They seem to have got there act together at that price point.

The highlights for me were:
1. Avant Garde trio (3 horns) backed by Bryston amps and Nagra tubes.
This was great high-end sound with fantastic clarity and superb dynamics. No signs of any kind of distortion or boom-tizz. But the sound wasn't really warm so it might not appeal to all tastes. (I tested my with Ray Charles CD - Diana Krall and Natalie Cole)

2. Cadence Arista with VA1 valve amp.
Great sound. Much more warmth than the Avant Garde. But then that's the valve sound. There was a fantastic record player which was compared to a CD player. On Hotel California, the record player certainly sounded more mellow. (I tested my with Ray Charles CD - Diana Krall and Natalie Cole)

3. Gamut system: all components
This was a place I went to relax. The guy had a great collection of CDs so I didn't care to use my Ray Charles here. I found this system good at whatever it played and it relaxed me so the sound had that subjective beauty.

4. Energy floorstanders.
I liked these too. These speakers are well worth if one can't afford any of the premium options mentioned above. Sounded good on jazz. (I tested my with Ray Charles CD - Diana Krall and Natalie Cole)

5. Sonodyne's slim aluminium floorstander and pre-power amp combo.
This produced great sound with the only drawback that the sound was thin compared to a full-range floorstander. The decoder - 6 channel power amp combo also exploited this new flrs well. I would like to check out the Sonodyne amps as they certainly sounded good and powerful. Maybe they could provide some good competition to foreign amps in the entry to mid-level segment.

Unfortunately, I missed the Manger and the Mirage. Next time, I will spend the entire day at the show. The only way to do some justice to the wealth of stuff available.

As someone mentioned, the rooms did not bring out the best in the speakers. But what can expect out of a hastily setup hotel room?

All in all, a great exhibition
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CES 2007 - Show Reports !
bhagwan69 am 10.01.2007  –  Letzte Antwort am 08.02.2007  –  13 Beiträge
Prithvi am 23.11.2004  –  Letzte Antwort am 23.11.2004  –  2 Beiträge
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