Anyone using Lithos?

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#1 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 05:36
I am very close to buying Lithos Noa (& a powered subwoofer) HT speakers 70% for music and rest for movies. My budget being around 50k any suggestions. Brand names dont matter. My Amp is a Yamaha 450.
Nice reading this practical forum esspecially suiterd for Indian Newbies.
#2 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 07:00
For 50k you can buy much better stuff than Lithos...try polk audio and you will get a nice 5.1 set up..even Wharfedales or JBL..
#3 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 07:08
sub boss....dont discount lithos...they sound extremely clean for their price. I heard the polk sats(small ones) and sub entry level HT package and to my ears they were not very coherent. I would prefer the lithos.

#4 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 07:46
manek at 50 get monitor 60's for 22k, center for 7k, surrounds for 9k..and a good sub with 10" driver at 12k...this is not a package..but he can pick em seperately..

The Ht package you mentioned at 25 k is sheer waste of money..
#5 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 10:23
ok...yes....thats quite a waste.... The monitor series, I have not heard. I thought you were talking about the sats.

#6 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 10:32
I wrote :

manek at 50k get monitor 60's for 22k,

oops sorry monitor 60's are 17k... and quite good for HT..awesome sub...

Fronts Monitor 60 - 17
Center - 8
Surrounds Monitor 30 - 9
Sub - 12
46 k

or he can shell out another 6-7 k and get two PSW10 10" subs which are priced at 9.5k each.... or alternatively go in for Monitor 40's at 12 k as surrounds..or a powerful and top of range center at 12k with one sub...anyways it's a steal...but he has listen to em ...coz they are very upfront....some may not like them...but I liked them...

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 15. Apr 2005, 10:40 bearbeitet]
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#7 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 12:01

I did buy the Lithos after listening to many others. If you budjet permits buy the Pro10's instead of the Noah's. They are exponentially better.

Also as suggested by other members, do listen to other combo's, even at higher price bands though you may not buy them.

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#8 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 14:13
Thank u all for the inputs.
Anyone knows a Polk retailer in Mumbai???
And forgive me guys for asking this are Bose AM10 out of this race!!!
#9 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 15:32
I think its the PROFX there in Mumbai.
#10 erstellt: 15. Apr 2005, 17:42
yep, polks at profx mumbai crossroads, tardeo.

BTW the bose am10's were never in the race

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#11 erstellt: 16. Apr 2005, 07:14
Thanks all you guys.
SUB_BOSS the prices you quote are they Indian showroom/street prices for the Polk speakers???
#12 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 05:01
Yes sir...Monitor 50- 17 k
Monitor 60- 22 k( earlier misquoted as 17 by dealer)
Monitor 70- 33 k

Check out the subs at very competetive price...Guess Onkyo and others have to learn a thing or two from Polk...Audition em...I liked as they are pretty good on Ht and stereo front.....Profx in Mumbai are the dealers and u get warranty....and should follow the same pricing there...except some diffrences in cess and LT.


[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 18. Apr 2005, 05:02 bearbeitet]
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#13 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 05:45
Thanks SUB_BOSS . I will be going to pro FX today.
To check out the Polks.
ANything else worthwhile checking out there???
I Live in Borivli hate travelling in the summers!
#14 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 06:44
Profx deal in KEF's and Profx ( avoid em)... check out their Center channels..superb tonality...
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