Dynaudio 52 NOt a difficult load

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#1 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 17:53
For those folks who had always considered a Dyn 52 a difficult load. just met someone who actually runs a Dynaudio with a 25 W sugden A21 !!

Apparently he dos not go over the 50% volume mark as it get too loud.. And to think that the sugden outputs only 15W at 4 Ohms (which is the Dyns nominal frequency)

So those folks who had discounted the above thinking it needs more power can think again !

I did some research on this and found that the Dyn although shows 87dB 4 Ohms, the variation in impedance over frequency is quite smooth and so is the phase change. hence is an easy load..

another example of not going purely by tech specs !

#2 erstellt: 31. Okt 2005, 11:06
hi Arj i have auditioned the Dyn 52SE at AP he was using the Rega Mira amp for that but Prithvi concluded that it needs high power amp.

but i say it needs high current amp which is used to drive the hard loads. Even the rotels cant provide the right current supply i think so(only the entry models) since they have reasonably better toroidal trans ratings.

Like the Krell it has got massive current resource so it can easlily drive the dynes.

High current ratings are very important which can drive the hardest loads.

Im building the amp which is capable of
50RMS into 8 ohms
100RMS into 4 ohms
200RMS into 2 ohms

I accept that the Dyns are not that hard to drive but as far as the cost factors are considered many even reputated companies use the small size toroidal trans. But they are rated at max into 4 ohms and not capable of driving 2 ohms.

But actually im designing a 3 way system with MTMW config whih has 4 ohms. Im in the enclosure design and its taking lots of time. But the price factor for a 3 way system is getting more like a pair of speakers costing about 90k per pair. But build quality is ultimate. Im just in dylema since how many will be ready to buy this 90k stuff with my amps and preamp it will come to 125k. Im thinkin about this what is ur opinion.


#3 erstellt: 31. Okt 2005, 11:53

I had spoken to a Dyn representative last year where he mentioned that the dynes are a 3-4.5 ohms average load. The sensitivity is also not too high(87db). Such a speaker in fact is a difficult load for many amps. Not all amps are made the quality of sugden. Most dont have high current capability with the minimal of distortion or have power supplies that can deal with the demands. Most amps entry/mid level with this impedance load would be running close to their limits I would think unless they are rated at 2 ohms.

I have heard the contour speakers(bookshelves and floorstanders) from dynaudio played through a 20 watter class A tube amp in a hotel room. At higher volumes they do sound a bit starved so I am of the opinion that a larger amp is definately needed.

#4 erstellt: 31. Okt 2005, 12:10
actually we might be entering the tricky business of Amplifier wattage rating by manufacturers here. but again I am not trying to say that Duns can be run by any amplifier..it is just that no need to go purely by technical specs while choosing an Amp. you should give it a try with the Amp as well.

As I mentioned before the sugden only puts out 15W at 4 ohms and around 10 at 3 ohms and even less as the load goes down. but being class A i think its current capability remains the same and hence is able to handle dynamics well

Manek I agree with you, but the contours are much more difficult to drive than the audience series hence as you say it definitely needs more power
#5 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 18:32
The Dynaudio Audience 52 is best run by a 125W Plinius amp. You really get the sound quality and the bass punch, even out of such a small bookshelf. But the cost of the Plinius is the only drawback.

It's hard to go by manufacturer specs. With the exception of a few (accurate specs by Bryston, Sunfire, Nad, and Pulz) I am doubtful whether other manufacturers, especially of AV receivers measure based on their marketing requirements! It's ridiculous to read about entry-level AVRs putting out 110W into 5 or 6 channels When a mid-level stereo amp like Nad 320 Bee merely puts out 50W x 2.
#6 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 18:54
Dear All,
I believe Aditya Gupta drives the Dyn52s with small Cayin tube amps at the audio shows.Nice rich sweet sound,dosen't excel in timing,but still an easy drive though.
Regards Deaf.
#7 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 18:59
the specs of many av receivers with power amps are fake. They dont really provide the 110 or 120watts/ channel into 8ohms and multiplied by about 5 channel.

In reality if you want about 120watts into 8 ohms and for the amp to be really stable at even 4 ohms if its class AB amp then the toroidal trans+ heatsinks +all other components then the amp weight will become alot like about 15kg per channel.

see its supposed to have for 5 channels its about 75kgs and with all other processings like the processors lets take 5 kg more then think of the total weight of the system its about 80k ... just the AV Reciver.

But see the Denon receivers they hardly weigh about 13kg each... so imagine how solidly the construction is... A true HT will cost alot.

all these common Receivers are consisdered as midend rather than HIGHEND systems...

#8 erstellt: 03. Nov 2005, 19:35

Neutral schrieb:
The Dynaudio Audience 52 is best run by a 125W Plinius amp. You really get the sound quality and the bass punch, even out of such a small bookshelf. But the cost of the Plinius is the only drawback.

It's hard to go by manufacturer specs. With the exception of a few (accurate specs by Bryston, Sunfire, Nad, and Pulz) I am doubtful whether other manufacturers, especially of AV receivers measure based on their marketing requirements! It's ridiculous to read about entry-level AVRs putting out 110W into 5 or 6 channels When a mid-level stereo amp like Nad 320 Bee merely puts out 50W x 2.

Actually this is a higly underrated amp..It provides instantaneous power of more than 100 W..

From what I understand, amp manufacturers rate power by passing a sine wave into a 8 Ohm resister. and the sine wave could be of any freq (I think usually 2Khz..not sure)
Of course that is not the right way as the speaker impedance varies with freq and hence so does the current rating... and the variation could be really smooth or sudden.

hence it will never tell you as to how much power the amp can put out in case of a sudden bass sllam required .
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