Please recomment bookshelves in Rs 20,000 range

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#1 erstellt: 29. Sep 2005, 13:59
Hello experts

Can someone please recommend (for purchase in Bangalore) a pair of bookshelves. Strong bass response is a pre-requisite due to pre-dominant rock music collection. Need it for ZONE 2 and the current set up is: Onkyo TX NR-900 receiver + Sonodyne Towers & Sub woofer (chosen in Zone 1).Price target Rs 20,000 for the pair. Also, I wonder how they will sound from open when put on a window facing outwards(I will put them inside a room most of the time and swivel the direction towards the garden for occasional listening while sitting in the garden). Is this a crazy idea? Otherwise I have to invest in additional i.e 3rd pair for my gardens :-(

#2 erstellt: 01. Okt 2005, 12:07
hi there,

couple of options for you :

mission m32, monitor audio bronze 2 and tannoy fusion 2.
Try these out. good luck.

#3 erstellt: 02. Okt 2005, 11:27
one more.
Acoustic energy EVO1.
Very good bass and balanced sound for around 16K
#4 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 12:13
Hey Manish,

Check out the Wharfedale diamond 9.1's .. they are really an excellent buy for about 15K ...
#5 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 08:00
You may want to check out - bangalore . - mumbai
There is VECTOR on Brigade Road who stocks Whaferdale's and Jamo's
#6 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 08:08
I'd say the Diamond 9.1s are really nice @ 13k but they don't have "thunderous bass".
#7 erstellt: 14. Nov 2005, 13:26
hi Manishk i understood ur requirement u have to audition some of the systems but remember one of the most important thing before you buy. You need to have big and very solid drivers like about min 10 inch drivers for the rock kind of music. I dont tell u that its not possible to get bass with small drivers. But these 6.5 inch drivers will not give deep penetrating bass. Gettin bass from two channel is much different than that of from the subwoofer.

Tell me some of the albums that u listen. I will suggest you the right kind of speakers.
#8 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 14:53

You need to have big and very solid drivers like about min 10 inch drivers for the rock kind of music.

Please let me know if there's any brand under 20k selling bookshelves with 10 inch drivers? I would like to stack up a couple of pairs..
#9 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 15:13

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

You need to have big and very solid drivers like about min 10 inch drivers for the rock kind of music.

Please let me know if there's any brand under 20k selling bookshelves with 10 inch drivers? I would like to stack up a couple of pairs..

yeah..pray tell me too..
AFAIK, there is no 10 inch driver that can be crossoverd that high.
#10 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 15:20
jokes apart manish..have you considered Polk bookshelves..I think you better give them a look..very well priced and decent performance. i found low end a bit muddy but rigid stands should improve as the book shelves were placed on fllorstanders when i demoed....
#11 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 15:59
Hey Nareshn...where exactly is Vector on Brigade Road???

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#12 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 06:44

soulforged schrieb:
Hey Nareshn...where exactly is Vector on Brigade Road???


From residency road - brigade rd crossing proceed towards Richmond road crossing, you will find it on the way on the left hand side. Hardly 500 mtrs from residency road - brigade rd crossing.

They keep mix n match stuffs, Onkyo, Jamo, Wharfedale, Sony etc. but I would suggest not to buy from there. The price they quote are more than actual. For Wharfedale, visit Gem Plaza at Infantry road (I bought the Wharfedales from there, Anand is a nice guy). For Jamo visit Cinebles at Miller's road (near Cunninghum road), for Onkyo visit any Onkyo showroom. I have the numbers, if you want I can pass them.
#13 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 06:54
Thanx Diskspinner...just wanted to know the place for GK purpose

BTW...Jamo also has a showroom in Cinebels...

Check out Wharfedale's 9.1 (Total Sound), AE's Evo1 (Reference Point) and Polk Audio (dont remember the model but you get it in ProFx)...these are my toppers in bookshelves...
#14 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 07:35
I did hear the KEF IQ series speakers recently. Really nice stuff and well priced. You could check em out. Much better than the earlier Q series.

#15 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 07:44
Actually Manish has already bought a pair of speakers for his zone 2.
They are Bose outdoor speakers.

Finish is much better than the Polk audio ooutdoor speakers. sounded quite good too.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 07. Feb 2006, 07:53 bearbeitet]
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#16 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 07:45
Whom are we suggesting? I think Manish has already bought his stuff by this time.
#17 erstellt: 07. Feb 2006, 08:04
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