Amp in 12k range

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#1 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2005, 13:00
Hello everyone!

I have been doing a lot of reading on this forum for the past week and am amazed at the quality of advice.

I wanted to enter the world of Hi-Fi with a decent audio system that I will use to listen to music ONLY. No HT, wont upgrade to one in future either. My budget is about 25k for both the amp and speakers. I saw that the sonodyne SA 8000 (12k) fit my budget leaving me with about 12k for the speakers - which i have not decided yet. My living room is about 220sq.ft.

I have two questions:
1. Is there a better amp in the 12k range than the SA 8000?
2. Can we really get decent speakers with 12k

Thanks for your time!
#2 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2005, 13:05
Try the pulz and the norge range of may like them....
Pulz and norge also have speakers to match.

Lithos is another Indian brand(bombay mostly I believe) which make good speakers(sub/sat) for the budget you may have. Ofcourse there is always wharfedale 8.2/8.3, boston acoustics and mission, not to forget sonodyne.

#3 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2005, 13:25
That was fast!

Thanks a lot! I have to do some ground work with all the names you've given me. Will let you know what I choose.
Ist häufiger hier
#4 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2005, 18:08
You'll get realyl cool preamp-amp integrated amps from Pulz (30 watts rms!) for Rs.7500. and they do have speakers starting from 5400/pair which are really good for thr may speak with Edelbert from Pulz @ 26732593. They have their showroom at Andheri.

#5 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2005, 06:32
Try 'Space', I have heard them 2-3 times, they are quite a bit at the price, you can get their top of the line Towers at 14k odd. Do see them before you buy anything else.
#6 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 07:20
I agree with Manek.Audition the Pulz/Lithos and the Norge/Lithos combination and decide.

Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 08:17
Yo Charles!!

Been there, done that!

Sonodyne, Pandam, Norge, Pulz....

My recommendation- Pulz/Lithos Noah1. Stretch a bit, see if you can squeeze Lithos a bit, and switch to Nad 320BEE (30-33K).

#8 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 09:01
You can get The NAD 320 BEE for around 12/13 K (INR equivalant) in Dubai.

So if you happen to know someone there or going ther eon a trip, pull a few favours and get yourself the NAD.
#9 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 09:18
you can try the second hand route.............i remember my friend paid 8k for a Pioneer amp 70+70 rms .genuine stuff..of course at 8k it's a start searching......and paired them up with Profx speakers.......decent sound

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 10. Mrz 2005, 06:46 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 10:28
How much ProFx bookself's and tower's as well, retail at?
And how do they compare with other's(Wharf's/Tannoy's etc) in the same price bracket?
#11 erstellt: 09. Mrz 2005, 10:45
well i have no idea of the prices now coz this happened a couple of years ago..........wharfs and tannoy's are much better any day
#12 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2005, 14:01
Profx 3-way floor standers are retailed at 29,000 with kevlar drivers and no great shakes about performance.You better off look for something else.

[Beitrag von TROJAN_HORSE am 14. Mrz 2005, 14:02 bearbeitet]
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