Bose Bookshelves speakers

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#1 erstellt: 24. Feb 2006, 12:02
Hi All,

I have got Bose speakers. I don't know which music system to buy which will give gr8 sounds & gr8 satisfcation.

please suggest.. I was looking at sony .. shud I take ?

speaker is 150 rms output.

Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 24. Feb 2006, 12:41
Which Model ?
#3 erstellt: 24. Feb 2006, 13:00
Also how old are they ?

If more than 3 years old, just remove the front cloth grill and check if the speaker driver surrounds have crumbled to dust.

Most Bose speakers use a Foam surround, which, atleast in the Indian Climate, crumble in approx 3 years time.

The surround is a thin rubber or foam ring, about 2 inches wide, which bridges the gap between the Paper cone and the Metal Basket / clamp which is the speaker's frame.

If the surround has crumbled, get a new one put in. The Sound will improve VASTLY. Ofcourse, if the surround is intact... U R Fine.
#4 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:35

I have Bose® 301® Direct/Reflecting® stereo speakers Nearly 3 years old from US.

Suggest me which Audio system to buy.
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 11:13
Any amplifier rated at 30W / channel or higher. The 301s are quite efficient and of 8 ohms impedance.
#6 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 14:41
You will need an amp and source. What is your budget ?

Some options for a minimalist – musical setup.

Cambridge audio - Azur 640A amp and 640C cd player – around 50k

Camridge audio – Azur 540A amp and 540C cd player – around 40k

NAD C320bee amp and 521bee cd player – around 35k

[Beitrag von square_wave am 27. Feb 2006, 14:43 bearbeitet]
#7 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 15:15
Maybe a Norge Amp and Philips CD / DVD player will also match it well.

That will probably set you back only Rs 15 K approx .

Someone on this forum also had a pre-owned Norge Amp to sell. Check it out....

The speakers are small enough for you to carry to a demo room.
#8 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 15:26

Maybe a Norge Amp and Philips CD / DVD player will also match it well.

Possibly use some CD combo system from SONY, AIWA or PIONEER to beat the pants out of your BOSE....

Some options for a minimalist – musical setup.

Cambridge audio - Azur 640A amp and 640C cd player – around 50k

Camridge audio – Azur 540A amp and 540C cd player – around 40k

NAD C320bee amp and 521bee cd player – around 35k

Dear sq wave you thinks a person listening to Bose would settle for these???????? go ahead and motivate him to buy what he maybe a SONY with mega watt and airport display....
#9 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 16:08
On second thoughts, whatever I suggested could be an overkill for the bose.
You could perhaps save some money if you settle for a norge/pulz amp and a philips dvd player.
#10 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 16:31
guys , this guy already has a Bose 301.. which is not really a bad speaker.

A good amp will definitely make good music with it.. hence rather than tell him to ditch it, might make more sense to recommend an amp within his budget !

Bose markets its products to be better than it is, but most forums project it as much worse than it is.. Most music lovers are not Audiophiles and neither are people who buy Bose.. and even Non audiophiles enjoy music and perhaps More so than audiophiles !!!!

So apurba999

What is your budget ? without which an amp cannot be recommended
#11 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 09:32

guys , this guy already has a Bose 301.. which is not really a bad speaker.

A good amp will definitely make good music with it.. hence rather than tell him to ditch it, might make more sense to recommend an amp within his budget !

Dear Arj...talking 'bout sense here this is a speaker which is designed in such a way where there's a huge bump in mid-bass and mighty treblish to excite which budget amp can you suggest to make them sound good??? this is refined and it just doesn't make up with 301's?? NAD will scare everyone with it's already bright sound..301's were designed for people who ask for sound little more than a combo..BTW I would suggest he tries YAMAHA AX 496 priced at 16k as it's got party kind of sound with all jingles thrown in...fair enough
#12 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 13:52
guys, its not really that bad.. a good amp will work ok with Bose. it is not a BAD speker.. it is not very truthful speaker due to some hardcoded DSP..

I have a Bose AM3 i use as the fronts of my HT. After Sub_boss took away my speakers i used them along with my amp for some time.

They were not really bad. a bit Thin and Boomy Bass, but the soundstaging was good and they were quite musical. considering that i had bought them off a sale for around $150, i thought they did a good job at being value for money. (Placement of the accoustimass module is definitely not as easy as Bose claims tho !!)

A 301 is a much better speaker than a AM3 and if placed in a corner gives sufficient bass.

Choice of amps is personal.. but a Marantz/Nad/Rotel/Cambridge should be do a good job with it. if budget is lower then the Norge etc etc should also be good.
#13 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 13:57
try a marantz amp. the warmth should help the bose's artifically enhanced treble perhaps.
#14 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 14:25
Ya, I think an entry level Marantz Stereo amp is priced around 17k.
#15 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 15:07

Arj schrieb:
guys, its not really that bad.. a good amp will work ok with Bose. it is not a BAD speker.. it is not very truthful speaker due to some hardcoded DSP..

I have a Bose AM3 i use as the fronts of my HT. After Sub_boss took away my speakers i used them along with my amp for some time.

They were not really bad. a bit Thin and Boomy Bass, but the soundstaging was good and they were quite musical. considering that i had bought them off a sale for around $150, i thought they did a good job at being value for money. (Placement of the accoustimass module is definitely not as easy as Bose claims tho !!)

A 301 is a much better speaker than a AM3 and if placed in a corner gives sufficient bass.

Choice of amps is personal.. but a Marantz/Nad/Rotel/Cambridge should be do a good job with it. if budget is lower then the Norge etc etc should also be good.

Do they actually have a DSP in there ? I have heard them and I find it the most acceptable speaker from the bose stable. But for the money, I would look elsewhere for a more balanced sounding speaker.
#16 erstellt: 28. Feb 2006, 15:41
they have a designed "Bump" at around 300Hz and around 2K.. makes the vocals more flushed out and gives the impression of detail.

this is usually a bose house sound so most of their speakers have it.

the 301 to 601 series are better as they are more conventional. the AM series have a acoustic hole aabove 6db between 200 to 280 hz.. but again the harmonocs ensure that you do not miss much which is anathema to an audiophile but not to the non audiophilic music lover who make up 99.9% of the population;)

Its definitely not an attempt at a flat response, but again flat response is not necessarily a good thing for every ear

[Beitrag von Arj am 28. Feb 2006, 15:44 bearbeitet]
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