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Pulz versus Sonodyne

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#101 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 16:04
Hey manek, i have the spec sheet, i'll update the same here soon, thnks
#102 erstellt: 21. Sep 2005, 16:06
thanks neckie...waiting....
#103 erstellt: 24. Sep 2005, 13:54
I'm not a techie. What's DCR? The Pulz amp must be using some kind of relay switch in order to soft start. The specs sheet says it will handle nominal impedance of 4 ohms and above. Certainly not 2 ohms.

However, impedances at different frequencies could dip below 4 ohms. Only the nominal impedance is considered. Neckie don't ruin a good amp with excess current. While it does have two torroids, why risk it? Just take another amp. Can get a Norge of 60W for just Rs 4500 approx.
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#104 erstellt: 24. Sep 2005, 14:01
DCR is DC resistance..
it is very critical in xovers as a high DCR can play havoc with the specs of the system..
DCR is calculated mainly for inductances and voice coils(which are again wirres wound up in a coil)

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#105 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 09:36

I'm from Bangalore and I'm new to this.

I need some advice in choosing a pair of floorstanders.
My setup is Denon DCD 590 CD Player/Bryston .5B Pre/Pulz RS 250 Power.
I've been using a pair of custom made speakers with Bolton drivers. (Now, don't throw me out for using Bolton, they sound good. )

Has anybody got a similar setup?
Any suggestions for floorstanders below 20K (severe budget constraints)?

I heard there is a Sony floorstander for 10K.

#106 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 18:33
Mission m73i, Sonodyne 2605, and Wharfedale diamond all cost less than 20000 and should match your setup in sound quality.
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#107 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 20:47
Thnx Neutral.

I was wondering whether i can find a 3 way 4 Speaker (twin woofer) setup for that price.
Has anybody had experience with Sony SS-MF650 floorstanders? They may not be audiophile stuff though.

-- XandY
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#108 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 20:57
You would be compromising on the quality a lot if you go for 3 ways in that budget...tell you the truth..anything less than 50k for a 3 way is best to stay away from...try the 2 ways...they are really good...3 ways a rebest if you go active with the woofer being cutoff below 400Hz so as not to muddle the mids...these are real expensive...especially if you want some semblance of quality in the materials used..let alone the sound.
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#109 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 21:09
So a 2 way twin woofer setup should be ideal, right?
I did listen to Wharfedale Diamond series....sounded bright to me....with muffled bass. I somehow liked the Xarus 2000.
Any feedback on Wharfedale Zaldek speakers? I could never get a demo of them. i basically listen to lot of Rock/Pop.
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#110 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 21:14
think you would like the Zaldek spekares if you listen to a lot of metal and rock..
for a better balanced speaker..the xarus is a very decent choice.
would sugest that you give Arasu Kumar a visit..
he's got a pair for 21k which will blow your scoks off..i would definitely have those speakers for rock and pop..
its an MTM config dual 8 inch driver with a Vifa silk dome tweeter.
doesn't get any better than that for 21k ..

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 30. Sep 2005, 21:14 bearbeitet]
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#111 erstellt: 04. Okt 2005, 13:13

Has anybody got opinions about Polk Audio Monitor 50/60/70 floorstanders?

How would they sound with the following setup...any guess?

Denon DCD 590 CD Player
Bryston .5B Pre Amp
Pulz RS 250 Power Amp

Does any dealer let you audition their speakers with YOUR amp?

#112 erstellt: 04. Okt 2005, 13:25
Almost all dealers allow you to get your amp for audition with their speakers so no issue on that. Monitor70 is a good speaker and you should check it out IMO.
#113 erstellt: 04. Okt 2005, 15:11

XandY schrieb:
Thnx Neutral.

I was wondering whether i can find a 3 way 4 Speaker (twin woofer) setup for that price.
Has anybody had experience with Sony SS-MF650 floorstanders? They may not be audiophile stuff though.

-- XandY

Sonodyne 2605 flrs is 3 way with 4 drivers. But then, as Ben suggested go for the stuff that sounds the best not the loudest
#114 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 15:09
At this budget, try and buy bookshelf speakers or hunt the used market and pick up something that originally cost much higher. It is usually at the mid-end level that speakers from any brand starts to sound coherent and musical. Avoid floor standers at this budget level. If you are adamant on buying floorstanders at this budget, your best bet is to go DIY with vifa drivers from Corrson in Bangalore or even floorstanders from Lyrita audio. As benkenobi suggested, you could try out Arasu kumar’s model also. I have not heard them, so can’t comment on them. Both siva from corrson and viren from lyrita audio are members of this forum. These will give you maximum bang for your bucks. Lyrita has a floorstander at 28k which will mop the floor with any budget branded floorstander speaker around 50k I have heard in Bangalore. Mind you, this is my opinion…… hear them and decide. I have owned budget floorstanders like wharfedale 8.4, bose 401 and a host of others in the past…………..this is my experience.
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#115 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 15:36
Does Lyrita Audio have a dealer outlet in Bombay ?

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#116 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 16:15
Hi Sq.Wave,

Any leads for finding second-hand speakers in Bangalore?

Also, I'm new to this i don't know who Arasu Kumar is.
Does he manufacture speakers?

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#117 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 16:59
The Pulz amp must be using some kind of relay switch in order to soft start. The specs sheet says it will handle nominal impedance of 4 ohms and above. Certainly not 2 ohms.

The way the protection circuitry in most direct coupled amps operate is the relay that connects the output of the amplifier to the rear speaker binding post. The relay coil will energize after a preset delay. This is required for the supply rail electrolytics to charge at the same rate thus rendering a near 0 Volt DC output. For all practical purposes the DC Offset at the output is less than 20 mV.

The relay will de-energize if :
(a) The DC offset rises above 50 mV
(b) There is an abnormally heavy current flowing thru the emitter resistors (the values are accordingly calculated)which reflects on the current being delivered to the speakers, or if the speaker terminals / wires are shorted during signal flow.

Clipping may not de-energize the relay as it will be taken as a transient and there is a finite inertia to prevent this. However sustained overload may bring about an operation in the protection circuitry.

The reason why some amplifiers cannot drive smaller loads (less than 4 ohms)is the fact that the output transistors cannot take that heavy current at the full rail voltage swing. It is for this reason that it is better to follow the specs given by the manufacturer when connecting a complex load.

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#118 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 17:00
Arasu Kumar markets his speakers under the 'Laya Acoustics' brand.
He manufactures speakers, pre-amplifiers ,amplifiers, active subwoofers and also room acoustic materials like diffusers,absorbers and bass traps.
The system i heard was built entirely by him..only the source was a branded DVD player.
A nearly complete Indian solution.
He is a very affable and knowledgable person. Would recommend you or anyone interested to give his products a listen ...

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 05. Okt 2005, 17:10 bearbeitet]
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#119 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 17:26
Thanks Benks.
Any leads as to where to search for second-hand speakers?
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#120 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 17:31
Try the dealers themselves..
usually people would be wanting to upgrade and you could try them..
these are the only two safe ways i can think of.
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#121 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 19:08
Hi Benks

Thanks for the comment,

[quote]Arasu Kumar markets his speakers under the 'Laya Acoustics' brand.
He manufactures speakers, pre-amplifiers ,amplifiers, active subwoofers and also room acoustic materials like diffusers,absorbers and bass traps.
The system i heard was built entirely by him..only the source was a branded DVD player.
A nearly complete Indian solution.


Arasu kumar.k
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#122 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 19:34
Welcome to the forum Arasu...
the forum has gained a valuable member...
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#123 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 22:59
Hi Arasu Kumar,

Where can i audition your speakers in Bangalore?

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#124 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 23:33
Has anybody auditioned / owned Klipsch Syenrgy speakers?
Any opinions?

#125 erstellt: 06. Okt 2005, 07:31
Synergy series from Klipsch is not all that great. They are entry level The good ones start from the reference series. Remember that klipsch is very particular about amps due to the high sensitivity and horn loaded tweeters. You just can’t use any amp and get good sound from them. If your budget is low then try these for far better value……….

If interested in used klipsch reference series RF3 speakers, I know someone who has a pair for sale. Very well maintained pair owned by an audiophile. PM me.
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#126 erstellt: 06. Okt 2005, 12:36
Hi Xand Y,

Please mail me for further details at

I will be glad to audition our speakers.


Arasu Kumar
#127 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 10:18

Behram schrieb:
The Pulz amp must be using some kind of relay switch in order to soft start. The specs sheet says it will handle nominal impedance of 4 ohms and above. Certainly not 2 ohms.

The way the protection circuitry in most direct coupled amps operate is the relay that connects the output of the amplifier to the rear speaker binding post. The relay coil will energize after a preset delay. This is required for the supply rail electrolytics to charge at the same rate thus rendering a near 0 Volt DC output. For all practical purposes the DC Offset at the output is less than 20 mV.

The relay will de-energize if :
(a) The DC offset rises above 50 mV
(b) There is an abnormally heavy current flowing thru the emitter resistors (the values are accordingly calculated)which reflects on the current being delivered to the speakers, or if the speaker terminals / wires are shorted during signal flow.

Clipping may not de-energize the relay as it will be taken as a transient and there is a finite inertia to prevent this. However sustained overload may bring about an operation in the protection circuitry.

The reason why some amplifiers cannot drive smaller loads (less than 4 ohms)is the fact that the output transistors cannot take that heavy current at the full rail voltage swing. It is for this reason that it is better to follow the specs given by the manufacturer when connecting a complex load.


Thanks Behram for the info. Does this relay protect my Pulz amp only at startup or even when it is running?
If I connect 2 speakers to each terminal of the amp (impedance of 3 ohms each) will it damage the amp even if the volume level is moderate?
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#128 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 11:05
The protection is present even when running. It will not damage the amp, it will switch over to protected mode, i.e. the speakers will be disconnected if the emitter current exceeds the max. rated value. Also to bear in mind that the speakers present a complex load to the amp and the impedance will never be constant over the entire audio frequency spectrum. It may dip below 1.5 ohms or may rise to as high as 40 ohms at the driver's resonant frequencies if the crossovers do not have zobel networks incorporated within them.

Best way to experiment is to short the speaker terminals with a small piece of wire when there is a substantial input. The amp should enter protection mode, you will hear the relay click and also give a front panel indication if at all present. No permanent damage will be done.


#129 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 17:35

Thanks again for the info. I will try paralleling the speakers sometime. It will be useful because the Pulz amp lacks the A+B facility.

My brother's Sony minicompo MHC-RV777d uses 6 ohms speakers. My Pulz speakers (Status 203 bookshelves) are also 6 ohms. Would it be a good idea if I remove the Sony speakers and put the Pulz speakers in their place.
1. Will it be safe for the Sony amp and the Pulz speakers?
2. Will a Sony amp be able to drive speakers of the same nominal impedance? Sony's manual says that one should only use the supplied speaker model.
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#130 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 18:34
Hi Neutral,

Impedance wise there is no difference, the setup will work well, however if the sensitivity (expressed in db.W/m) is different for both, you may experience a drop or rise in the level. Ususally Mini component speakers have a high sensitivity so that they sound loud enough with low driving power. I am not aware of the sensitivity of Pulz speakers, so cannot comment.

#131 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 19:02
Awesome! This is easily the hottest topic on our forum!!

[Beitrag von Shahrukh am 07. Okt 2005, 19:03 bearbeitet]
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#132 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 22:48

Does using a Power Conditioner in a stereo setup make a significant difference to sound quality?

Where can i find them in Bangalore? Which make?

Thanks in advance.
#133 erstellt: 08. Okt 2005, 11:37
I guess power conditioners are useful if you use a valve amp. Valves are very susceptible to voltage fluctuations because they step up voltage.

Is a power conditioner an advanced version of a voltage stabiliser?
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#134 erstellt: 08. Okt 2005, 12:06
A Power conditioner is NOT a Voltage stabilizer. There is a vast difference. Mains current changes phase at the rate of 50 times per second (in India) denoted as 50 Hz. When this current reaches our domestic power outlet it picks up all sorts of interference on the way which then rides on the 50 cycles (Hz)thus making the waveform impure. It is akin to distortion in an audio amplifier. It is the duty of a power conditioner to then filter out the harmonics and any other piggy back signal riding on the waveform.

Yes, it does make a difference to the quality of sound provided the filtration is close to the source. What this means is there is a huge audible difference if the mains power cord of the CD player (source) or that of the preamplifier is changed over to a shielded variety. However the difference is not appreciable if this is done with the power amplifier. Audiophiles have gone to great extents of rewiring their domestic supply lines right from the meter room on the ground floor, upto their apartments MCBs and all power outlets inside their homes. The audible difference has to be heard to be believed.

Whether or not the difference is liked by the audiophile is a debate by itself.!!!

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#135 erstellt: 08. Okt 2005, 13:11
Thanks Behram.

Any idea where i can find good Power Conditioners in Bangalore?

How much do they cost?

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#136 erstellt: 08. Okt 2005, 13:27
I am not from Bangalore so cannot guide you.

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