Suggestion on Integrated or Pre-Power, matched speaker

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#1 erstellt: 07. Jan 2004, 12:30
Hi All,

I am a new member.
I need your suggestion on:
1. Which one is better, NAD C370 or C160 + C270?
2. Which speaker is match with them.

My basic plan is to use it for music (Pop and classic, sometimes for Pop Disco) and "Karaoke".

I have only budget $1500 to buy above equipment.

Your inputs will be my consideration to choose which one I'll purchase.

Thanks and regards,
#2 erstellt: 07. Jan 2004, 12:58
a pre-power combo is definately superior. yur selection is a good one for both integrated and pre-power combo.

speakrs to match the NAD would preferably be a 3 way floorstander. Since the nads are pretty neutral sounding and can drive tough speaker loads well, almost any speaker will do.

If you get B&W cheap then B&W DM 309 which is a model not manufactured but you may find it cheap at the dealers.

Monitor audio bronze B4 is another good choice for your kind of music.

PSB 4T would also be a good choice.

Jamo E855 or E670/E650 are also good choices.

let me know which of the above fall in your budget and well take it further.
#3 erstellt: 09. Jan 2004, 09:29
$1500 including the speakers? if no buy a good bookshelf speaker, a good floorstander fo about $600 or less isnt available - only if you buy a used or as manek suggested an older speaker.
#4 erstellt: 09. Jan 2004, 10:55
If you manage to get a good dealer discount you could get for around 600-700$ PSB 4T's....jamo E650, E670, E850, E855 and the monitor audio B4 bronze...and ofcourse the B&W 309.
#5 erstellt: 09. Jan 2004, 13:06
Fro 600-700 you´ve got more than the 309. You´ll probably find the 601 and 602, and maybe the 603 if you don´t care to have a pair of floorstanders.

I paid 617 for them
#6 erstellt: 09. Jan 2004, 14:07
there you go....webon's got a B&W solution for ya
My friend owns 603's and they are pretty decent.
If you dont want the B&W then the others I have mentioned will work out for ya.
#7 erstellt: 11. Jan 2004, 10:54
I would use the amp - preamp combination. I've heard C370 and it was really good but it did not blow me away.
But you should listen to both of them before buying anything.
#8 erstellt: 14. Jan 2004, 07:48
if you are short of money 370, of you have extra cash then the pre/power combo.
#9 erstellt: 16. Jan 2004, 07:40
Hi All,

I have to postpone my plan buying this amp and speaker, since I just spent unpredicted cost and this decrease my budget at this moment.
I'll continue in one or 2 months later.

I had old NAD 3020 and I was satified with it. Then I sold it and bought Pre-Amp power NAD series ??? (I forgot, it was 1987).
But when I compared with Intergrate amp SAE A10, which was belong to my friend, I found my amp could not match with that SAE (1988).

So I sold it again and I bought second hand of power amp Audionic CC-2, since 1988 until now. And it beated the SAE.

I use phillip speaker which I assembled myself on 1982.

It is time (even too late) now to upgrade it all.

But my power amp Audionic still working good and will still using it.
I've made my mind to choose NAD C160+C270 Pre-Amp Power, but still have to investigate the right speaker.
I'll consider your all inputs later on.

With this NAD, I can drive 2 power amp and can use 2 pairs of speakers.
Since I did not monitor the progress of HiFi world since many many years, I need your suggestion.

#10 erstellt: 16. Jan 2004, 10:44
speakers....any one which fits your budget and tastes would be good....Nad drives everything well, if you want to keep it all in tha family then PSB 4T , 5t, 6T are all good speakers
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