Two technical questions

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#1 erstellt: 01. Sep 2005, 14:58
I have an Artis bi-amped computer surround sound system with a subwoofer and 4 satellites. The doubt: if I disconnect the satellite speakers from this subwoofer and use only the sub speaker as a subwoofer, will it damage the amplifier in any way? In other words is running an amplifier without its load safe?

I was observing a Sony MHC777d mini-compo speaker. It has two woofers in cylindrical enclosures with the gap between the two woofer enclosures acting as a port. Does anyone have any understanding how these mini-compos speakers are designed? The designs are drastically different from the hifi separates I am used to auditioning. From my external observation, it appears as if the Sony speakers don't have any damping material in them. I pressed the foam surrounds around the drivers. It was very soft to the touch and deformed easily. I could easily push the cones backwards. What drivers are Sony and other similar brands using? Is it easy for a DIY guy to put together such basic speakers?
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#2 erstellt: 01. Sep 2005, 15:26
yes ur right most or shud i say all the minicompo speaker dont have any damping material ?delibrately done to make them sound boomy- may be but i have a sony minicompo around 9 yrs old still love it for it was my first *proper* music system the speakers had 4 tweeters!!! the woofer is good they have rubber surround. i opened the front baffel which is made of plastic and disconnected the extra three tweeters and had just one tweeter close to the woofer retain its connection and i added some damping material salvaged from my defunct sonodyne speakers(incidentally killed by me trying to do some kinda stupid modification ) guess what- great improvement in the sound with all the bass feed back and surround feature switched off this sony was giving really serious sound.
with the single tweeter there was hardly any perceived brightness and these speakers r quiet a bit heavy compared to other minicompo speakers and i have placed the speakers on a heavy wooden stand built by our local carpenter guess mini compos dont sound that bad at all.
#3 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 06:18
First of all the artis has a bass module like the bose am5 system. These are not subwoofers. Even as a bass-module, they have limited bass extension. They will just produce a rattling boom. They should definitely work without the bass-module.
You can definitely make yourself much better speakers than what a mass-market boombox like sony comes with. Even if you just plonk some Bolton drivers and crossovers into a random enclosure (strong one), it will sound better than the one a sony boombox comes with………….you don’t believe me, try it yourself…………..
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#4 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 08:06
yes i have to agree regarding minicompo speakers they r very light and hardly go down to 60hz better off with decent speakers.

[Beitrag von pramod am 02. Sep 2005, 08:21 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 08:33

square_wave schrieb:
First of all the artis has a bass module like the bose am5 system. These are not subwoofers. Even as a bass-module, they have limited bass extension. They will just produce a rattling boom. They should definitely work without the bass-module.
You can definitely make yourself much better speakers than what a mass-market boombox like sony comes with. Even if you just plonk some Bolton drivers and crossovers into a random enclosure (strong one), it will sound better than the one a sony boombox comes with………….you don’t believe me, try it yourself…………..

Square, I want to use the Artis subwoofer without the satellites, not the other way around. My brother's minicompo has a sub out, so I thought it would help during DVD movies. It's frequency response goes down to 55 Hz. I find mini compo speakers rather light. As Pramod says, they don't go low enough. There is a distinct boom due to lack of damping materials and thin cabinet. Are Bolton drivers good enough for speaker building? I thought only Peerless / Arasu / Vifa were worth considering for drivers.
#6 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 09:03
Sorry……..that was a typo…………..I meant the other way around…
I guess the artis sub is active with a full-range amp to drive the satellites as well as the bass module. There is no reason why it should not work without the satellites. Just disconnect the satellites. I don’t have any experience with this product. I guess the amp module with vol-control comes within the bass module enclosure right ?
Yup..bolton drivers are good enough to beat most boombox speakers anyday…… for really good sound, you need to go with vifa, scanspeak, seas, morel, peerless. But viren is using some special drivers from Bolton (made especially for him) with excellent results.
#7 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 13:13
The Artis sub includes the bi-amplifier and 3 volume controls: front, rear, and the sub itself. It contains all RCA inputs and outputs. The satellites are just 3" plastic cubes. Do you know what's a bi-amp? I have heard of a dual-mono and a stereo amp. Vifa and Scanspeak are foreign. And Peerless is Indian. Any other Indian driver manufacturers. I stay in Mumbai. If you know their websites, please pass on the links to me.
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#8 erstellt: 02. Sep 2005, 18:26
It can be safely used without the satellites, any amp can be run without its load and would not get damaged.
#9 erstellt: 03. Sep 2005, 06:27
Thanks Ravi. I was observing my brother's two Sony mini-compo music systems - one model 777d is 5 months old. The other is around 4 years old. I noticed that the quality of the tweeter in the latest model of Sony is quite odd. It tends to make a buzzing sound and is not too clean or involving. The old Sony tweeter actually sounds better.

Does anyone know what tweeter Sony is using in its current models? Why does it not sound as clean as the older dome / cone tweeters of Sony itself?
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