HIFI-FORUM » English » Stereo (Engl.) » Rega Mira + Dali Blue 3003 | |
Rega Mira + Dali Blue 3003+A -A |
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erstellt: 09. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Guys, Just received the Rega Mira int amp which I think is one of the best SS amps to sound like a valve amp. Even out of the box it was so sweet. Needs to burnin though. Hate the volume control knob, the feel is like a cheap plastic one for burma bazar. Negative point is that you have to buy a remote if you want one. The Dali 3003, looks like a minature tower spks and will need stands for sure to get the tweeter to ear height. A rap on the box give a hollow sound, decent construction though with bi-wiring. Rgds Prithvi |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
rega mira is a good amp. yes, very much so. manek. |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
..and yeah....to me it did not sound tube like but was smooth. |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
Hi All, Managed to visit Prithvi's place to check out the Rega Mira that was on demo. Heard it hooked to the DynAudio52SE. Playback was from a Linn Classik. Good combination on the whole and the Mira was certainly doing pretty well for itself. Certainly worth checking out for those of you interested in a decent integrated amplifier. Also heard the ProAc-D15 driven using the Linn Classik. Personally, preferred the sound that came out of the Mira-Dynaudio combination. It would be interesting to see how the ProAc's would sound when driven by some of the other amplifiers that Prithvi is expected to get. Also met Chirag and Sandeep there. So I now know two more people who post to this forum! Thanks and Regards, - Nagaraj |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Nagrajan, Thanks for coming for a demo. The ProAc's were the Studio 125 and not the D15. However the D15 & the D100 will be here soon. Rgds PRithvi |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Nagraj, Do give me your feedback on the FINESSE interconnects and jumper cables after burning them for atleast a week. Rgds Prithvi |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
hi prithvi..........thanks for the invitation for the demo..I'll definetely drop down ..but will call up for prior appointment...can you explain to me what is burning of cables and amp. ![]() |
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erstellt: 10. Jan 2005, |
Nagaraj, It was nice meeting Prithvi & yourself at Absolute Phase. That`s Prithvi`s neat little place in Bangalore. Sorry guys, could not stay longer as wify was not well and had to rush back. Anyways heard the Rega Dynaudio step. Good & compact. Perfered the ProAc 125 though. Did`t have time for any other. Prithvi gave a super recorded cd for testing. In one word "Awesome". Now Prithvi reap the benifits. Ha! Ha! Have to check out some more titles. Send me the list bugger. |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Cheraz, Told you so that you will be blow with an XRCD!:) Happy that I could prove what good recordings can do to a system. ![]() ![]() I have already sent you the list, will send it again. Pls do send me ur order before tomorrow as I was actually supposed to send the order last evening. Wish your wife a speedy recovery. Rgds Prithvi. PS: Do let me know when u want me to professionally re-install your 2-ch set-up? |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
Prithvi, you sent me your very impressive company profile but no list of the cd`s. Please check and resend. Thanks Cheo. |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
what are jumper cables prithvi? and what do they bypass or add to, to make the sound quality better? |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
Hi! CHeo, Will resned the files. Rgds Prithvi |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Steveboy, Most of today's int amps have a seperate pre-amp and a pwr-amp in a box. A metal jumper is used to connect pre-out to pwr-in. There are two one for the left channel and one for the right channel. These are generally cheap solid metal rods bent in the form of a "C" rather an "E" with the centre - missing. Just look at any NAD /MARANTZ int amp and you will see them. Just take any old interconnect and connect them in correct polarity & you will be amazed what it can do to your amp for the better. Rgds PRithvi |
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erstellt: 11. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Subboss, If you remember when you buy a car/bike there is a running in period for say 1000km, this is a period where the internal mechnicals of the engine parts get nicely bedded in and worn-in. In short it ur engines get properly set-in during this period and after say the 1000km your car/bike starts giving you better mileage and the engine sounds smoother. Another example when you start a car/bike first thing in the morning you will notice the sound and feel of the engine is rough, after say five minutes or so things will even out and the sound will be clean and the engine will be smoother. Now lets come to audio: Same case here except it is called burn-in or burning-in. Some companies do the burn-in and some dont. Generally what ever electronics you buy or even cables, they all take time for them to set-in, which can take anywhere from 100hours to 700 hours. Try listening to some music u know very well first thing when u switch on the system, then leave it on for 45 min and then play the same track, you will notice a huge difference in sound quality. Some companies like LINN take a minimum of 700 hours for beak-in, NAIM, PLINIUS, WADIA recommend that you keep the system always powered in STANDBY MODE and never switch it off, U switch off a NAIM and it will take atleast a week to come to optimum quality. In basic all components have to come to an optimum temperature & stabilise for good sound quality. Below is description of a very good personal friend called George Cardas, I use his cables on a regular basis. What are the scientific reasons (theorized or proven) that explain the subject of cable break-in; what causes it, why it's necessary, and what's up with directionality - is it for real? A.) Much of the break-in phenomenon is hard to figure. There are many things that make break-in necessary. For example, dielectric in interconnects needs to settle and equalize. If you measure a cable that has been moved with a voltmeter you will see a standing voltage. This is due to the fact that good dielectrics are poor conductors. They hold a charge, much like a rubbed cat. It takes a while for this charge to equalize in the cable. In many ways, the better the cable, the longer it takes to break-in. "Air dielectric" techniques such as teflon tubes have a large surface area and are very poor conductors, but they have, by far, the best dielectric characteristics. In situations where the cables will not have time to settle, such as musical instrument cables and microphone cables, often very poor insulators such as rubber or carbonized cotton are used to get around the problem. In any case, audio has a rising impedance standard and the high input impedance's of the equipment make uneven charge in the dielectric a factor. The better the dielectric the longer it takes to settle. Charge can be induced by simply moving the cables (piezo electric effect and simple friction). A major cause of uneven charge distribution is high voltage testing during manufacture. Most manufactures use a 5000 arc test to verify dielectric integrity. Cables that have been subject to this type of testing are measurably more microphonic. I took steps to eliminate this problem in my cables and the break-in time was reduced and the cables sounded better in general. It is a rule to set up systems and rooms at the shows a couple days ahead of time. This gives time to run them in. The first day is usually very bad and very stressful, the last day sounds great. I think that mechanical stress in speaker cables, speaker cabinets and even the walls of the room must be relaxed in order for the system to sound its best. This is the same phenomenon we experience in musical instruments. They sound much better after they have been played. Break-in is a very real phenomenon. There are ways to shorten the process, but simply running the system and not moving things around too much is the key. - George Cardas. Hope this info is helpful. Rgds Prithvi |
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erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, |
Hi Pritvi, thanks to your patience and for the comrehensive explaination about burning-in..I'm looking forward to meet you in person and get solutions for most of my questions. thanks again Best regards Mohan Kumar |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, |
Prithvi, received your cd file but my comp is not reading your file format. Why don`t you send it by fax. fAX No. 51155000/51155000 |
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erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, |
Hi! Cheo, Its an excel file only. Will do one thing will send it through some other email id or take a print-out and give you. I do not have a fax machine. Yet to install a fax software on my comp. Rgds Prithvi |
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