2 Questions & a new CDP

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#1 erstellt: 18. Dez 2007, 15:44
I have a couple of questions..

1> Is it OK to place the CDP on top of the Amp chassis? Though the amplifier vents are not completely blocked as there is a gap between both the chassis, does the heat generated by the Amp pose a problem to the Amplifier/CDP?

2> A friend of mine is of the opinion that one needs to turn the volume (knob) down completely to zero before switching off the Amp...something like a safety precaution. Can someone throw some light on this?

and finally...I bought a new NAD C542 CDP to replace my existing Philips DVDP, due for a long long time.

Its added an entire new dimension to the music being played, which was sorely missing before...just love the wholesome experience now

#2 erstellt: 18. Dez 2007, 16:44

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

and finally...I bought a new NAD C542 CDP to replace my existing Philips DVDP, due for a long long time.

Its added an entire new dimension to the music being played, which was sorely missing before...just love the wholesome experience now


Whooosh....thats terrific buddy...its a very good CDP, I know how you must be feeling. Congrats!!
#3 erstellt: 18. Dez 2007, 16:53
Congats-& your friend is right abt the vol control thing.
#4 erstellt: 18. Dez 2007, 17:27
congratulations. Enjoy

And please do not stack equipments. Try and get a basic rack and seperate the gear.

[Beitrag von square_wave am 18. Dez 2007, 17:28 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 07:03
yup vodoo,

a dedicated cd player does wonders! i was in your same position months back. enjoy the difference!
#6 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 07:59

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:
2> A friend of mine is of the opinion that one needs to turn the volume (knob) down completely to zero before switching off the Amp...something like a safety precaution. Can someone throw some light on this?

Funny you should mention this. I have been following this practice for years for any equipment I've owned. Just the other day someone asked me why and I was at a loss to recall exactly when or why I began doing this. I felt a bit foolish for doing something without knowing why and would also like to know if there is any benefit to this. Keeping my volume knob fixed at the 9 o'clock position would save me three seconds every morning

square_wave schrieb:
And please do not stack equipments. Try and get a basic rack and seperate the gear.

I was tempted to place my amp on top of my dvd-p. Reading this, I'm glad I didn't try that stunt.
#7 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 08:58

I was tempted to place my amp on top of my dvd-p. Reading this, I'm glad I didn't try that stunt.

While stacking an Amp on top is not advisable(wieght,electromag interference,heat),an inert, moderate wieght-e.g.a text book-does help in controlling top plate resonance.
Re the vol pot issue, if you switch on/off with the pot at say the 9 o'clock position, there would be sudden rise/crash of current; over a period of time ,this would hurt the components; it also tampers with the "zero set" of the circuit.

[Beitrag von Kamal am 19. Dez 2007, 09:00 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 11:27

if you switch on/off with the pot at say the 9 o'clock position, there would be sudden rise/crash of current; over a period of time ,this would hurt the components; it also tampers with the "zero set" of the circuit.

Could you elaborate on this please Kamal ?

what is this "zero set" ?
How would the sudden rise of current on switch On with the Vol at 9 oclock position affect the components of the amp ?
#9 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 11:53
Congrats on the buy.. a dedicated cdp does wonders over a DVDp

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:
I have a couple of questions..

1> Is it OK to place the CDP on top of the Amp chassis? Though the amplifier vents are not completely blocked as there is a gap between both the chassis, does the heat generated by the Amp pose a problem to the Amplifier/CDP?

ideally it should be kept separate and isolated from vibrations (you can place it over cork/wood etc) as the smallest of vibrations could vibrate the lens causing errors in reading. this does distort the sound

Voodoo_CHild schrieb:

2> A friend of mine is of the opinion that one needs to turn the volume (knob) down completely to zero before switching off the Amp...something like a safety precaution. Can someone throw some light on this?

I have heard of this being done in Pre-power combos where the amp is turned off first and turned on the last..but not really an issue in int amps as far as i know.
I believe the idea is to ensure that any noise due to transient currents when other components are switched on are not amplified and sent into the speakers. DOnt really think it is necessary these days where muting circuits ( am i right ? ) are built into the components
#10 erstellt: 19. Dez 2007, 16:10
Thanks guys for all your wishes and the info

Right now...have kept the two units separately, with the CDP on a 2 inch wooden plank and Amp resting on the floor.

I'm in a 'full enjoy' mode now

Once this sinks in, will worry about isolation platforms.
#11 erstellt: 20. Dez 2007, 08:48

get some spikes from murthy and you're set! player on wood plank, wood plank on 4 spikes. spikes are around 70 per piece.

how bout kicking off the new year with a meet at your place? second week of jan or so? hint HINT we wanna listen to your set up!

#12 erstellt: 20. Dez 2007, 17:42

stevieboy schrieb:
how bout kicking off the new year with a meet at your place? second week of jan or so? hint HINT we wanna listen to your set up!

I'm fine with your idea Steve...we'll surely have it on a weekend in Jan after the first week's high dies down

One thing is a bit of a worry...I have the system setup in my bedroom, almost a medium sized one, so at any given time 2 guys (3 can squeeze in) can listen comfortably. If thats negligible with you guys, I'll be happy to host the meet
#13 erstellt: 20. Dez 2007, 19:34
hey cmon buddy...lets do it...doesnt matter if there is some space crunch...meeting and listening to some good music is above all .
Make it happen buddy..
#14 erstellt: 21. Dez 2007, 06:35
no hassles voodoo! just put on a bedsheet you dont mind us dirtying mid jan is good. enjoy your system first ! been a while since we all met up will be good...

#15 erstellt: 21. Dez 2007, 07:45

Will post an invite soon
#16 erstellt: 21. Dez 2007, 07:58
do post your observations on your system too! i know its not been so long with the cd player, but still... would be good to hear your opinion. not too many people have your speakers

[Beitrag von stevieboy am 21. Dez 2007, 08:00 bearbeitet]
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