Canton Speakers

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2005, 13:09
Has ayone auditioned Canton speakers?
How do they rate with the likes of Wharfs/KEF's/Quads at least in the bookshelf range?The Canton LE 202 is retailed at 15840/ INR.
#2 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2005, 14:45
I heard the canton ergo and they were very well contructed. Bass timing was really good. I heard them playing with a rotel combo which I dont care for much. Need to hear them with ther amplification.
#3 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2005, 16:39
Ergo range is on the higher side,for a bookshelf.
Ergo 202 retails at 44280/- INR,How about LE series?
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