I've changed cables.but lost on clarity

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 07:01

I just replaced the original black cables which came with my Sonodyne to oxygen free copper cables. They are two diffrent cables one is silver and the other is kinda bronze. my friend adviced me to use the silver coloured ones for -ve and bronzed ones for +ve.but I've lost the punch in bass and the highs are too prominent. the vocals sound too harsh and the speakers emit minute vibrations when vocals are deep..please help
#2 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 07:08
while cables should not affect sound too much in a sonodyne, it does not make sense to have two different cables for R & L. Although the sound being dark may not change too much your phase as well as separations would be affected by using different cables

Suggest using same cable for R&L
#3 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 10:00
Your cables...are they unbranded ? Try swapping, use the silver for +ve and the bronze for the -ve. See if they have any effect ?

BTW some nice entry level 14 guage OFC speaker cable,if it fits in the spring clips they would do nicely and may present a truer picture to you. Try the Jamo OFC 14 guage entry level speaker cable, see if you can get a cut piece for demo. I dont know what they supplied you with your sonodyne but if you find your older cables better just switch back.

#4 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 11:57

Thanks a lot The cables were provided by my friend who supplies stuff for World space and he told me they use it for hi-end components,It is quite heavy and the material used for the insualtion is very good, so my assumption was sound would be good.All connections are perfect.I was intersted in the cables you mentioned but where do i find BTW or JAMO cables. If they are available what might they cost. :?. Will they be better than what I have now??

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 19. Jan 2005, 12:01 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 12:07
also could be that the cables are too good for the amp ie distortion which would not be possible to be heard via other cables are coming across well now !
#6 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 12:21
yup the sound is much clearer , but bass is flat and at moderate volume the highs are prominent and vocals get rough.Thus i feel this is more than distortion... the distortion has reduced actually.
#7 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 07:21
Hi manek problem solved.I switched the cables and yahooooo the sound returned to normal..now the bass is actually more clear and the mids are controlled.........but that leaves you to answer this strange phenomena.. cheers mate
#8 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 09:06
Looks to me that one colour of cable seems to be more conductive than the other. The capacitance, resistance properties must vary. Thats why do what ARJ said....junk these and get a good pair of 14 guage OFC cables of similar strands and use them.

These cables are obviously not what you or anyone should use.

#9 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 14:48

I didn't revert back to original I just changed the cables from +ve to -ve..I mean like you suggested :Try swapping, use the silver for +ve and the bronze for the -ve. See if they have any effect ?.....yes it worked maaaan...thanks a ton
#10 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 22:05
If you like it, it must be good !
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