Is the power ratings on AVR - 100 into 6 channels true.??

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#1 erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, 07:09
Do the output ratings of 100 into 6 channels in a spec sheet of any AVR true.....If true upto what extent????.can it be as loud as a dedicated stereo amp.
#2 erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, 10:17
It could be as loud but it may not be as clear.
There are monster avr's that are rated to pump 100x5/6/7 watts. How much continuous power they can belch out and how much current is anybody's guess which is what really matters.

#3 erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, 12:41
Hi manek,

I have seen some good stereo amps like denon with 70 + 70 ouput and costing close to 60k....thats the price anyone would pay for a premium ONKYO AVR or YAMAHA with output close to 175X7 and receiver plus other features..any comments

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 12. Jan 2005, 12:41 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 12. Jan 2005, 14:44
if you are talking about denon 1500IVR or 2000IVR, they take the pantys of any denon or ankyo AVR in stereo.

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