Is Ipod dock line-out a true line out?

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#1 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 04:14
I bought a dock since I was advised by some that the line-out was a better/safer way to connect to the amp as against using the headphone jack on the Ipod.

The dock came with a remote which is able to control the volume level of the line-out. Are volume controls ok on a line-out? How is this then different from the headphone out? How does one define line-out?

Thx in advance
#2 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 05:17
You are correct... there is NO difference between the Dock out and the Headphone out.

BOTH go thru the Volume control.

The Doc gives the convenience of the Remote control, keeps the ipod upright for better viewing and a life style appearence
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#3 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 05:34

Amp_Nut schrieb:
You are correct... there is NO difference between the Dock out and the Headphone out.

BOTH go thru the Volume control.

The Doc gives the convenience of the Remote control, keeps the ipod upright for better viewing and a life style appearence :)

Thx Amp_nut; the mystery then is, that the max vol. of the headphone out if connected to the amp provides a much louder
sound than the max vol. of the line-out. Any idea why this could be so?
#4 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 05:55
If there is a difference in the Volume level, ( I'll Check It out on my system ) then I suspect that the Dock out is a high impedence output ( ie a Low current ) suitable for driving an amplifier input.

However, the Volume control ( and therefore loss in sound quality ) is in the path for Both the Headphone out and the Dock out.
#5 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 14:21

Amp_Nut schrieb:
If there is a difference in the Volume level, ( I'll Check It out on my system ) then I suspect that the Dock out is a high impedence output ( ie a Low current ) suitable for driving an amplifier input.

I think what you have mentioned is right..the dock is only there as an option to have your pod connected permanently to the stereo rather than having to fix lines everytime..
#6 erstellt: 08. Sep 2006, 16:22
I just tried the ipod dock... Yes, the Headphone out is a higher level, than the ipod dock.

Tough to compare the sound quality, because of the level differences.

Incidentally, the ipod dock also provides a Video Output...
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