how to wire my speakers into my amp?

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#1 erstellt: 14. Dez 2004, 23:13
Hi all.

I just got a new cambridge audio auzue 540 amp and cd deck and some speakers. How do i wire the speakers into the amp? I have unscrewed the knob things on the back of the amp but am lost as to what to do now!

Do i just slide the wire in and then screw the thing back on so it is wedged in or what???

Any help for a total newbie would be brill!!
#2 erstellt: 15. Dez 2004, 08:12 have answered your question. just make sure the red terminal of the speaker is connected to the red of the amp and the same with black.

Please connect with the amp switched off. make sure you twist the speaker wire neat and tight so that none of the strands touch any other piece of metal other than that particular speaker terminal to avoid shorting.


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