clarification on cleaning LPs

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#1 erstellt: 05. Jan 2007, 12:52
hi guys,

i have done my research in the past posts and on the internet. this is the wisdom i have got

1. make a solution of 90% isopropyl alchohol and distilled water/ demineralized water and a couple of drops surfactant

2. scrub LPs in circular motion along the grooves round the whole disc with a carbon brush

3. rinse with solution

4. vacuum the LP

5. play and gloat over the superior sound compared to CDs

the doubt i have is:

1. is distilled and demineralized water the same? i dont think so. what do you LP playing guys use?

2. for the final rinse do i rinse with solution of isoproply alchohol and distilled/ demineralized water or do i rinse with only distilled/ demineralized water?

thanks a ton in anticipation


[Beitrag von stevieboy am 05. Jan 2007, 12:59 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 06. Jan 2007, 16:46
Steve, Prithvi has an LP cleaning machine which reportedly does an excellent job.
Have a word with him.
#3 erstellt: 07. Jan 2007, 04:21
Hi Steve,

For practical purposes, distilled and demineralised water can be considered the same. The minerals (dissolved salts) have been taken out - the processes are different.

Final rinse has to be with distilled/demineralised water. You do not want any residues left on the record - the alcohol may have dissolved some contaminants and should be washed away.

Hope that clarifies things.

#4 erstellt: 07. Jan 2007, 05:24
-Try a ratio of 60:40 for the cleaning concoction. Max is 80% isopropyl for really bad cases Too much isopropyl may damage the plasticizer in your vinyl records. .
-After you have done a wet cleaning make sure that it is completely dry before playing. The damage otherwise is irreversible.
-Play your vinyl records at least once every six months.

Enjoy !
#5 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 06:17
thanks viren and screamgigi. what i got from the net was distilled water still has some minerals in it. demineralized water is one cleaner step up from distilled water.

yes kamal am aware of his cleaning machine. a homegrown solution to the problem works out more affordable for me:( now am planning to buy a vacuum cleaner too hehe the lengths this hobby takes one to
#6 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 19:23
Sure does!
Lets know how your efforts work out.
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