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#1 erstellt: 29. Dez 2004, 09:45
I require help in setting up a good system.
I basically listen to audio tapes and CDs. At the moment I have a dvd player and a sony walkman.
After researching I found I have the following options.
1. AV receiver - choice is narrowed to denon 1705, yamaha RX - V450.
2. Integrated amp - Nad 320 bee. How is Sonodyne IA?
Budget for above is 20k.

Speakers - Initially I plan to have 2 floor standers even if I opt for av reciver. I have the following options.
1. Jamo - E370/E350
2. Sonodyne - Sonus 2605/1605
3. Wharfdale (not clear about model).
4. Boston A. (not clear about model).
Budget for above is around 30k.

Also need a cassete player maybe onkyo (costs 10k)
So the questions are
Should I go for amp or av reciever?
Which speaker to go for? I would like to go for the best since speakers last for a long time.
Other considerations - low budget, availability of service, waranty, good sound.
I stay at hyderabad contact no is 9885300814.
#2 erstellt: 29. Dez 2004, 13:04
if your application is stereo like mine, the nad 320bee will outperform your recievers by far. Ofcourse if you want to see movies with two channel sound, the nad would fit the bill there as well. But if your movie watching demands surround sound then the nad amp is not what you want.

For speakers, I would personally avoid the sonodyne sonus towers, or the jamo E350's.

I would go for either the wharfedale diamonds or evo speakers, Boston acoustics is also an option.

On cassettte players, there is onkyo and denon. I believe there is a teac also in the market.

Dont know where you live but I'm sure you will have other options for 30k for speakers. Mission, quad, cadence, kef, dynaudio, heybrook, PSB, jpw are other names you could look into for variety.

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#3 erstellt: 29. Dez 2004, 13:17
Thanks Manek - I see you are very active on the forum. Well, The 30k is a bit painful and Sonodyne is at 23 more affordable. I will check out Warfdale. I live in Hyderabad - India.
Thanks a lot again. Will finalise on the NAD based on this and other numerous similar posts.
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#4 erstellt: 29. Dez 2004, 14:42
Manek - How would you rate Cadence Diva Vs Quad 11L Vs KEF Q3 Vs Dali Concept B?
#5 erstellt: 29. Dez 2004, 20:47
honestly vinod...the Quad 11L, KEF Q3, Vs Dali Concept are no match to the Cadence Divas and i say this not becuase I am a cadence fanatic. Hear the divas and you'll know how superior they are. Actually the cadence aritas(bookshelves) are far better than the above lot as well. I personally prefer the Aritas to the Divas as to my ears they have a cleaner sound but to each his own I say. I've owned the aritas for the last 2 years and drive them with a nad 320bee and the combo is really really nice for its price.

There really is no contest, the Cadence divas win hands down in every aspect. Secondly, one cant find better sounding speakers atleast in India in the cadence speakers various price ranges. That I absolutely believe in. But then again everyones choice is not the same as mine so you must hear all of the above and come to a conclusion.

The divas will be driven decently with nad320bee but a more powerfull amp will definately work better. A 75 to 80 watter solid state amp would be apt. But then again everyone has a budget so try and stick to it.

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