Need advice on really cheap amps

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#1 erstellt: 23. Nov 2007, 14:24
I am on a lookout for a cheap amp (sub 10k) for a stereo setup. I would probably shell out more for speakers(more or less settled on Diamond 9.1).

I know currently these three brands - Norge/Technics/Sherwood

The norge 2060 is available to 7.2k. But i dont have any idea of the other two amps. I have seen technics and Sherwood at quite a few places in Bangalore, but neither do I have a good idea of their prices nor where to source them from. One of my colleague mentioned that since I am going with such a cheap budget even an Ahuja one would be good enough. No opinions on this brand too is available online it seems.

#2 erstellt: 23. Nov 2007, 15:56
Stick with the Norge or go DIY.
#3 erstellt: 24. Nov 2007, 05:37
I think Cinebels (or is it Decibels? Anyway the guys that sell Jamo) does Sherwood.
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#4 erstellt: 24. Nov 2007, 06:43

particleman schrieb:
I think Cinebels (or is it Decibels? Anyway the guys that sell Jamo) does Sherwood.

yes, that is where I first saw sherwood. However, by comparing their rates for the Marantz amps/receivers they were selling, it doesnt seem they are the cheapest place to buy equipment.
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#5 erstellt: 26. Nov 2007, 12:25
Mr. Nakra's Enbee Amp would be another option.

Anyone in Delhi heard this one? Did read some good things on this forum about that Amp.

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