Need some advice concerning loudspeakers

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#1 erstellt: 03. Apr 2005, 20:05
I have to buy some new speakers for my Technics SU-8055 Amp.
They shouldn`t be to expensive because I`ve only got a limited budget.(student) My room has got 23 sqm and is 3 m high.
What kind of speakers would you recommend for a low budget.

#2 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 06:34
Entry level speakers could be wharfedale diamond, athena. Bookshelves would be ideal but what music do you listen to ?

How much is your budget ? approx 200 US ?
#3 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 06:43
Manek how do you rate Athena's and heybrooks to other brands priced similiarly??
#4 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 07:15
To be honest..I did like the heybrook as an entry level speaker..they went out of the market here in bombay and I believe have re-surfaced. They are made by peerless audio india now.

Anthena's, heybrook, wharfedale etc are kind of similar in the basics but are voiced a bit differently. So depending on the music you listen to, the choice is made. Athena are popular in US/canada for entry level speakers and are really good for their pricing(my brother started out with the athena's and still maintains they are one of the best entry level speakers around). So are the polks and wharfedales.

BTW wern't you the guy who heard polks and like them ? I heard the RTI10 floorstander yesterday costing 46k....not bad at all but with a hot tweeter....I also heard the higher end LSI8 bookshelf, I quite liked the sound of them....liked them very much infact. I thought they were a bit over priced at 48k(some may pay the asking price) but their soundstaging ability was quite good, far beyond the speaker boundary. Its the only other speaker other than the cadence diva/arita I have heard under 50K which quite disappear and throw such a nice wide soundstage with decent height. The depth was missing but the speakers needed to be set up better in a better room. Imaging was decent too. Tonally I liked them...there were a few piano notes which did not sound too believable but that I am sure was due to the room as it had a lot of glass so that might be ringing. Over all I quite liked the polk LSI8. Need to hear them some more of the same.

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#5 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 08:33

but what music do you listen to ?

Mostly guitar music but some classic too. (depends on the mood)
200 US would be fine with me as long as they are worth the money. I never heard of Athena before.I`m going to check them out right now.
#6 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 08:40

Listened to the Moitor 60's and very impresed at 24k.i woul strongly recommend some one who will spend 20-25 for a Flrs.BTW got to check out RTI10 as there were not in tock when i visited Profx....You know I really liked the set up at Profx where you get to compare KEF's and polk's in the same room surroundings with same sources...gotto check out wharfs.....ben and others seem to be giving rave reviews abt them........
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#7 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 08:43
I had a look at the wharfedale`s. I like them but they all seem to have 6 ohm. I need 4 for my amp if I use 2 ohm speakers and 8 ohm if I use 4 speakers.(I can`t afford 4)
Is it nevertheless possible to use them?
#8 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 09:39
johnny, I take it you are looking for a stereo setup right ?

then why more than 2 speakers ?

#9 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 10:25
Johhny Even i outgrew this phase of having speakers around for stereo as few members might remember........but didn't do it..........HT phase...didn't get into I'm dyin to have a good stereo set up.coz you listen to music 100 times repetetively.but how many times will u watch the same scene with xplosions and car chases. etc.......oops I know there are going to be contradictions now. HT or stereo is anybody's subjective prefernce..........but have a decent quality stereo set up with 2 speakers makes music sweet than having many speakers which in no way helps you...just xtra money spent or rather wasted.My humble and amateur advice would be to go in for good set of speakers and place em properly you'll enjoy music.or else you'll fill your room with just noise and load on your components...............

cheers.... .chbuurpppppppppp......
#10 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 10:33

Don't too much or you may not be able to audition those amps properly
#11 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 10:34
every now and then you are the one who would bring some humuor into our forum.......keep it coming sir
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#12 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:40
Yes i`m just looking for a stereo setup. But the question was if my amp has got an impedance of 4 ohm can I then use speakers with 6 ohm? If not wharfedale is out of the race.
#13 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:42
if your amp has a power rating at 4 ohms then a 6 ohm speaker will do nicely.

#14 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:44
Normally there is no harm in going for higher impedance,,,,,,but going in for lower impedance than specified strains or might be damages your amp.
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#15 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:49
Ah ok. Didn`t know that. So higher Impedances generally work fine? Or is there a limit? Or is the sound getting worse? Would 8 ohm be possible too?
#16 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:56
ideally 8 ohm speaker will not harm your amp

man go thru this and you'll know what impedance is..
Ist häufiger hier
#17 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 12:59
you would keep getting lower and lower max power output as you go higher in speaker impedance. So an 8 ohm speaker would give half the power output of a 4 ohm speaker, at the same amp level setting. I would suggest to stick closer to the amp rating, such as 4 or 6 ohms to get the max power output - other than that, safety and sound quality are not affected as you go higher.
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#18 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 13:03
Thanks for the link. I understood that point. Shuld`ve thought about that point earlier. Now I can have a look at the Wharfedales. I thought about Diamond 8.1 or if I can get them 8.4
#19 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 13:04
yup if your amp is 4 ohsm you can safely use 6 ohms and as ravi mentioned the higher you go the lower the max power .there are many brands with 6 ohm speakers....
#20 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 13:05
actually 8.2 are worth auditioning if you can, more bass, bigger sound.

#21 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 16:15
Hi Jonny,

If your amp is rated at 4 ohms, it should very easily drive 6 and 8 ohms speakers.

The problem arises when you do things the other way. A 4 ohm speaker places a significantly higher load on an amp rated at say 8 ohms and if the amp cannot meet this load, it results in distortion and clipping, thereby damaging the speakers.

[Beitrag von big-ears am 04. Apr 2005, 16:17 bearbeitet]
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#22 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 16:31
How is the magnat vintage 120 by the way. Is it worth 200 Euros. Or should I keep away of Magnat?
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#23 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 18:57
Hello again.
I found Wharfedale diamond 8.2 for 64,99 Euros each. That means a pair of them would cost me 129,98 Euros.
If you say the price is fair and those are good speakers I think I`m going to buy them tomorrow.
#24 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 05:40
did you hear the 8.2 or are you buying them blind ?
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#25 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:35
As most people say they are worth their money I planed to buy them blind.
#26 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:43
is there no way you can hear them or any other similarly priced speaker ?
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#27 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:50
Unfortunally there is no way to hear those. If I don`t like them I^m going to send them back. Have you ever listened to them?
#28 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:59
can try Polk Audio...
#29 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 08:19
I have heard the 8.2 many times and it really is hard to find a speaker that sounds like it for that price.

so its definately a value for money deal. If you have the option of sending them back and not paying for them then I guess you could give them a shot.

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#30 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 08:23
I think I will give them a chance. I will tell you if I`m satisfied with them.
Thanks a lot for the help.

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