Help For enhancing existing system

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#1 erstellt: 09. Dez 2004, 13:47
Hai all

just 2day i had browsed this site and thought i could get a solution for my requirement

I have a Sony MHC-RV2 2 speaker Hifi system

i had purchased a Sonodyne active sub and now using it as 2.1 system

i want to convert it into HTS

do i require a AV receiver for above requirement

if so can some body tell me whether
1)can i AV receiver get for less than Rs 10,000
2)also which surround speakers are good
3)do i really need a center speaker fo HTS

#2 erstellt: 09. Dez 2004, 14:44
no I havent heard or seen an av reciever worth its salt under 10K

for an HTS...its either 2 channel or 5.1.... Thats how the coding goes and that how you should implement it.

#3 erstellt: 27. Dez 2004, 13:13
Off lately there are some chinese Av receivers at very low prices, don't fall into the trap. I feel you should be quite happy with the decent output of Sony and good bass from sonodyne. if you intend to go in for an AV and HT package center channel is a must as it reproduces the most of 400hz to 5khz frequency and some good ones are known to range between 170hz to 10khz and mind you this is where most of the movie sounds are.
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