Telefunken S 600 platter bearing

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#1 erstellt: 16. Okt 2014, 22:56
Hi everyone,

First the question - what type of oil is recommended for this bearing and do I happen to be so lucky spare parts would still be available somewhere in Germany? (Bearing assembly, bushings, thrust plate etc.)

And the back story: It seems this player is pretty rare outside Germany, so let's try here - I got one of these 2nd hand some months back, after some little tune up & repair everything was working great. The main bearing was particularly impressive, running for 3 minutes from 33 rpm before coming to stop. Since it was dead silent and seemed to be working great, plus the bearing assembly was locked with a screw so that you can't remove the inner platter without loosening that, I figured I was probably good to go and no need to fuss with the bearing as it was working so great.

Apparently I was wrong and should've taken care of it the first time around, it seems some issue developed over time. I noticed when the platter was coming to stop sometimes I heard a faint rubbing noise from the bearing - not good! I opened it up and there was just a tiniest amount of dirty oil at the bottom. It seems the bottom thrust plate is some sort of weird plastic or something and the spindle goes through two set of sintered bronze bushings. I gave the bearing a good clean and new oil, first I tried sewing machine oil type of very runny oil, but it seemed bad for the bearing, so I cleaned it again and used 10W/30 motor oil instead, perhaps a little better but I don't feel it's optimal. Also the bearing still makes that brushing noise sometimes, but it doesn't happen with every rotation, just sometimes. There's no play in the bearing, but there was some scratching in the platter spindle, I gave it a buff. Also the bottom thrust plate had some wear, I think the source of the noise would likely be here, but I'm a bit puzzled since it doesn't happen every rotation, just at random. Thoughts?

Overall pretty impressed with this table, IMO it sounds very good. Running it with Ortofon VMS30.
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