panasonic NVVP-30-EC-S

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#1 erstellt: 08. Dez 2004, 21:17
manek, arj, prithvi and my good pals in here.
i would like to know how do you think of this DVD Player from panasonic, and after reading the specification the most important being the Audio DAC which is 192khz/24bit, will it be a good audio player and also what are your thoughts on the other sepcification of this player, is it good to be kept, i have my sister who has bought it down from germany, and it loooks really cool physically, so was thinking about keeping it, or else i am ready to sell it.
only if you guys think it is worth i would like to keep it and use it as my dvd cum audio player cause it supports the dvd audio format too and the dac seems quite capable....?
pls have a look at the specifiaction...and did i say this piece is purely MADE IN GERMANY not thailand or malaysian or chinesse. the build quality is great, i can make a diff when comparing with the sony and philips dvd player i have.
the link is a translated one from a german site, do give me your response very very urgently. once the site opens click on the panasonic Nv-vp30ec-s picture icon to see the specification.
thanks in advance
#2 erstellt: 09. Dez 2004, 10:19
Well ojoi, cannot coment on it without hearing it
For Pure Audio
typically the majority of cost in a DVD is spent on the Image processing part and not on the Audio.

Also 24/96 etc etc means Zilch. its the implementation which counts. eg One of the most expemsive and organic sounding DACs (Zanden) is a tube affair with no upsanpling.

Ideal test is put an old Asha Bhonsle or lata CD and play it. If her High freq pitch sounds shrill..ditch the option as a CDP.

In fact I had used an Old Lata CD to test the result of the modding of my CDP. while it was harsh pre-modding, it became really smooth sounding after it !!!

It should be good enough for an HT system...try getting any review to get a some idea about it..

[Beitrag von Arj am 09. Dez 2004, 10:22 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 09. Dez 2004, 16:40
hear it ojoi....if you like the sound keep it...!!! No way can a mass market DVD match a dedicated Cd player on audio.

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