Denon DP 300F TT

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#1 erstellt: 18. Sep 2010, 06:26
Is this a good entry level turntable compared to the Project debut players ? A friend wants to pick one up. Projects are not available these days. Anything to look out for ?

[Beitrag von square_wave am 18. Sep 2010, 06:27 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 18. Sep 2010, 07:46
If your friend wants really something good let him have a look at the entry level Scheu turntables also. They are far superior to the very cheap Pro.Jects and Regas. But of course also a bit more expensive. The cello has already the status of a classic:
#3 erstellt: 18. Sep 2010, 12:17

The-German-HiFi-Connection schrieb:
If your friend wants really something good let him have a look at the entry level Scheu turntables also. They are far superior to the very cheap Pro.Jects and Regas. But of course also a bit more expensive. The cello has already the status of a classic:

Hi Jochen,

I will let him know about this. I think he wants to get into this for FUN
#4 erstellt: 18. Sep 2010, 14:20
I think Project TTs offer great Value, at all their price oints. I do know that the Project distributor ( Nova Audio) has a dealer in Blore. Else you could contact directly : Nova Electronics - PM me for details if if require ...
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