denon----- what a margin

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#1 erstellt: 17. Jun 2005, 14:29
hi guys , i am back
i think there is no business like hi-fi business.
talk about PMA-2000R a powerful ampilifier from denon.
technically speaking a good amp quoted at a high price of Rs. 85000++.
theortically speaking must we get it at an X amount
physically speaking.....................been to the AV show in mumbai recently 10th june. had a deal on PMA-2000R for just Rs 39000 NET
keeps me wondering what's so special in a very special discount for exibhition cutting down 45000++ on the amp, on the other end..... WHAT A MARGIN. if the proFX guys are quoting Rs 85000 normally and selling it at a discounted price of Rs 39000 net at the expo.
you guys keep guessing................................ i need not say anything else
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#2 erstellt: 17. Jun 2005, 16:05
Congratulations on your new acquision. Pro audio is high margin, low volume business.

You can find some speaker manufacturers bundle the Denon 3805 as a set for between $650 and $850 in the US. The dealer you mentioned refused to give me more than 10% discount over the prices quoted on their web. It worked out to approximately 20% premium on the $1100 suggested retail value in the US.

As pointed out by Jimmy and others in this forum, the components are heavily underinvoiced (sometimes about 5% of the retail value) to save customs. I would imagine that the typical dealer margins are about 50%. Let us know if you can get such deals for the benefit of others on the forum.
#3 erstellt: 21. Jun 2005, 06:04
ojoi wrote :

WHAT A MARGIN. if the proFX guys are quoting Rs 85000 normally and selling it at a discounted price of Rs 39000 net at the expo.
you guys keep guessing................................ i need not say anything else

It was sold for the same price in Profx showroon in it's no discount for the AV max show but they just selling it at a fair price... , but imagine the guy who paid 85k plus ...just donated 45k for the profx guys to cover up their rent cahrges in Barton center or half years pay for that pretty girl who gives a mile wide smile the moment you walk in...


. wait for another expo you might pick it up for 20k.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Jun 2005, 06:06 bearbeitet]
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