Denon 2106 and 3805

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#1 erstellt: 28. Okt 2005, 15:13

I have been trying to decide between a Denon 2106 and Denon 3805 - 2106 seems to have an explicitly stated bi-amping option. Also the 3805 seems to have AL24+ processing - does this help ?

Would be great to hear any experience you folks might have n this.

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#2 erstellt: 29. Okt 2005, 06:53
hey shri......

i think as the new models come in some of the features of the older models are being put the newer lower end models like the 2106.....all these features can only be judged by ur own it will be better if u audition them side by side with the same speakers in both the stereo and HT mode at Profx,barton center......let me know what happened.....

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#3 erstellt: 29. Okt 2005, 06:57

comimg to the biamping....i havnt had a personel experince but heard a lot that by doing so it gives a greater depth and a bigger sounstage to the music u get after biamping.....u got to hear it to make the difference.....

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#4 erstellt: 02. Nov 2005, 10:42
2106 is an upgrade version of 2105. One of the important feature in 2106 is to allow for Lip-Sync Delay which you require typically for LCD monitors.
3805 is a very different category. I'm not sure of the price but while you may be able to get 2106 around 30K 3805 may cost you upward of 40K.
Needless to say 3805 has more power. If you sourge the net, 3805 is covered / reviewed at several places. refer to CNet review [] I think in terms performance 3805 will be much superior...
#5 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 03:15
Thanks for the replies - the auditions did help - i will try these with my set of speakers.
#6 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 07:32

Shri schrieb:

2106 seems to have an explicitly stated bi-amping option.

Er... bi-amping with a single amp? Will someone please explain?
#7 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 08:32
Dear Shahrukh,

Its pretty simple. Basically one would be using this 7.1
av receiver as 5.1. The power amp is assignable, so the other
two channels instead of driving the surround back will drive
the front speakers, hence bi-amping cause they are assignable.
Infact i think even the avr 1906 can be used for bi-amping.

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#8 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 09:30
hey SNV,

yes the 1906 too has bi amping facility and the auto setup with mic and both 1906 and 2106 both have full 7.1 with bi-amping front speakers as they both have 9 pair of speaker terminals at the rear......but can one really make out the difference when connected in bi amping mode compared to the regular receivers which donot have biamping facility....please throw some light on this......

Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#9 erstellt: 04. Nov 2005, 18:17
Does Yamaha RXV1500 also have bi amping option? I have a Yamaha RXV1500 AVR and Jamo E875 as front speakers.
#10 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 08:39
Dear Edges,

Well, biamping does have its advantages, just like how biwiring has its.
There is an over all improvement. I have tried in stereo set ups.
Quite an enhancement. Havent yet tried it with the Denon
av receiver, but im sure there will be an improvement.
Only difference here is that its the same amplifier we
are biamping from, cause the outputs are assignable.

#11 erstellt: 05. Nov 2005, 11:05
Dear vfm,

The Yamaha rxv 1500 has two channels of presence out.
I think these are assignable. But the power is less on the
presence channels, so this wont help.
Get into the menu of the amplifier to see if you can
assign the surround back as fronts, if thats possible then
you can biamp the speakers.

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