Where can I get a replacement of this cartridge!

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#1 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 07:30
Hi all,
This is a cartridge given to me by my Dad's friend. He is a old man and has lost his eyesight. I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice Technics TT at his place but the Cartridge is damaged. This poor man doesnt know where to look for a Cartridge and has asked me to help him find one. I have very little idea about TT and its accessories. So I have put of some pictures here. Please help me find a replacement cartridge (any decent brand is OK).

#2 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 08:11
Try Mr. Sushil Anand of Nova Audio mumbai...I had seen a Technics at his place that had come in for repairs...

On the net, try needledoctor.com
#3 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 08:18

These are P-Type MM Cartridge, you can find these types from SHURE, ORTOFON, etc. You can check it on www.soundring.com

SHURE does have a dealer in India.

#4 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 09:06
Hi Soulforged,
Do you have any contact info of Mr.Sushil ?
Is Rega cartridge available here in India ?
#5 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 09:27
Nova Audio Private Ltd.
Sushil Anand
E-Mail: novaudio@vsnl.com
B 104 Gangangiri, Off Carter Road Tel: 02 226007700
400052 Mumbai Fax: 02 226054709

I think soundsmiths were dealing with Rega till some time ago...
#6 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 10:42
prithvi would probably be the local help. once he gets back on his toes sushil deals in ortofon and sumiko i think. he'd courier it to you. shure dealer in delhi. you can google it or purnendu has the contact details i think.
#7 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 12:48

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hi all,
This is a cartridge given to me by my Dad's friend. He is a old man and has lost his eyesight. I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice Technics TT at his place but the Cartridge is damaged. This poor man doesnt know where to look for a Cartridge and has asked me to help him find one. I have very little idea about TT and its accessories. So I have put of some pictures here. Please help me find a replacement cartridge (any decent brand is OK).

I also own a Technics TT from the old days. All of them used a P-mount cartridge. You should be able to see the words "T4P" on the cartridge somewhere. Even if you cannot, I'm certain that it is a P-mount cartridge. Any P-mount cartridge will be a good replacement. Unfortunately, you are limited to Technics, Ortofon & Audio Technica.

Here is an EBAY listing:

look at the 2nd & 3rd listings. These Audio Technica cartridges will do just fine as a replacement.
#8 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 13:10
bombaywalla, i think grado also makes p mounts.

abhi you can also get an adaptor from shure. one side its p mounted to the arm and the other side has a separate slot to take the other universal type of cartridge. kind of a connector thingie. so you get more flexibiilty in buying a cartidge if your dad's friend so desires.
#9 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 13:52
Oh I dont think he (dad's friend) would be looking to change Cartridges unless its damaged so adapter may not be necessary.
But tell me Steve, is it difficult to obtain the 'P' type cartridge you have mentioned ?
Which entry level cartridge to prefer (should be sonically good as well) ?
#10 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 15:33

abhi.pani schrieb:

But tell me Steve, is it difficult to obtain the 'P' type cartridge you have mentioned ?

no, not difficult. did you look @ the Ebay listing link I posted?
lower down on that page there are some "Buy It Now" auctions selling P-mount for $25. They will ship to India I think. usually it is not an issue.

abhi.pani schrieb:

Which entry level cartridge to prefer (should be sonically good as well) ?

Now, hold on to your britches, young man! Do not go 'audiophile' on this purchase. You will be wasting your Dad's friend's money by trying to get him an audiophile cartridge on a mass-fi TT. Not worth the money AT ALL. Any replacement cartridge will be fine - Technics or A-T. They will sound mighty fine in that setup.
The Ortofon's are more expensive (I do not know about being better as I have not heard one) & worth it IF you have a much better TT.
#11 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 16:54
Hi Bombaywalla,
I missed the link..
Went through ebay now. While its good to know I can get it through ebay but still I am a bit reluctant about this because such long distance shipping could cause damage to the Cartridge and then there are chances of misplaced goods once it enters India...
Do you think I can get similar stuffs in India (New) ?
#12 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 17:22

abhi.pani schrieb:

Do you think I can get similar stuffs in India (New) ?

doubt it but it might be possible. I wonder what the Indian market is for P-mount cartridges? Probably "nil"!
I think that others more cognizant of the Indian market can advise better. I also think that contacting Sushil Anand will be a good thing. If he does not have anything for you, he might be able to suggest someone else.

Now, I have a Technics T4P P-mount cartridge on my old Technics TT. Want it? I'll just give it to you! I do not have the original box the cartridge came in but I will bubble-wrap it for the long journey to India.
It's old but it works just fine. I've played a few records on that TT & made sure to that. I retired the Technics TT because it sounded nothing like my main TT.
#13 erstellt: 13. Jul 2007, 17:40
Oh thats a fantastic offer ji. If you are serious then lets take it forward .
#14 erstellt: 14. Jul 2007, 05:50

bombaywalla schrieb:
Now, hold on to your britches, young man! Do not go 'audiophile' on this purchase.

absolutely second that! get a simple one. the p mount converter was just to give you options of cheap carts in universal mounts not go expensive! ortofon you'd be able to get within 5 grand i think. around 3.5. shure is in delhi. so might be a better bet rather than ordering from abroad which would add to your cost.

purnendu had a cart coming from japan and it landed up damaged in one channel so buying one here is a pretty good bet. plus exchange factor in case anything goes wrong
#15 erstellt: 14. Jul 2007, 13:36

abhi.pani schrieb:
Oh thats a fantastic offer ji. If you are serious then lets take it forward .

yes, I am serious. I found a box + lots of foam padding to wrap & cushion this cartridge for its ride to India.
PM me your bonafide shipping address & I'll get this out to you.
#16 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 10:13
Hi Abhi,
Check out the shure p-mount M92E. Its listed for about 25 USD. The Delhi authorized dealer may have one in stock, and prices are more or less the same internationally.
#17 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 11:51

abhi.pani wrote:
Oh thats a fantastic offer ji. If you are serious then lets take it forward .

yes, I am serious. I found a box + lots of foam padding to wrap & cushion this cartridge for its ride to India.
PM me your bonafide shipping address & I'll get this out to you.

Abhi forget it dude...
Bombay walla I will give you my address please parcel the TT to me....
#18 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 11:54

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

abhi.pani wrote:
Oh thats a fantastic offer ji. If you are serious then lets take it forward .

yes, I am serious. I found a box + lots of foam padding to wrap & cushion this cartridge for its ride to India.
PM me your bonafide shipping address & I'll get this out to you.

Abhi forget it dude...
Bombay walla I will give you my address please parcel the TT to me.... :hail

#19 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 09:39
Need some more info on this...
Do we get only the stylus of a cartridge or do we have to replace the whole cartridge ??
Ist häufiger hier
#20 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:06

abhi.pani schrieb:
Need some more info on this...
Do we get only the stylus of a cartridge or do we have to replace the whole cartridge ??

Hi Abhi,

I have been using Shure M92E with my Pioneer turntable since last two years and it's really an excellent product. I'm based in Kolkata and purchased from one of the dealers in local Chandni Chowk area. It took Rs 1,550 (as I remember). I have also changed the stylus of my old Shure Cartidge for Rs. 600 at the same time. It gives heavy tight bass ( I'm RD Burman fan and collect vinyls basically ).


#21 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:23
Hi Sourav,
Do you think its possible to replace the stylus on my existing Technics cartridge (please see the photo) ?

The M92E is around 2600 + taxes here in Bangalore.
Can you give me the contact details of the Kolkatta guy who had sold you the cartridge for 1500 bucks ?
#22 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:50

abhi.pani schrieb:
The M92E is around 2600 + taxes here in Bangalore.

Abhi Bhai...where in Bangalore did u check for this?
#23 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:52
I called up Delhi Dealer Sun Infonet, they asked me to contact Reynolds Inc in Bangalore. These people quoted 2600
#24 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:55
Didn't know Reynolds dealt with cartridges too...they usually mark up the price a little more than others (I mean guitars, effects and such wares)

[Beitrag von soulforged am 29. Aug 2007, 10:55 bearbeitet]
#25 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:57
Ya, I know about them. But this time its too much. They have offered 10% discount but still the price would be somewhere around 2600 including taxes where as its available in Kolkatta for much less . What to do ?
#26 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 10:59
How much is the dealer in Delhi quoting for this? Maybe we could ask one of the forum members from that city to pick it up and send it to u...
#27 erstellt: 29. Aug 2007, 11:01
Hmmm...ok lets do that.
I will speak to Doc/Kamal for that.
Ist häufiger hier
#28 erstellt: 31. Aug 2007, 10:28

abhi.pani schrieb:
Hi Sourav,
Do you think its possible to replace the stylus on my existing Technics cartridge (please see the photo) ?

The M92E is around 2600 + taxes here in Bangalore.
Can you give me the contact details of the Kolkatta guy who had sold you the cartridge for 1500 bucks ?

Hi Abhi,

Sorry for the delay. My Pioneer turntable is P-mount type. But I found that other mount type gear ( extra screws and one T shape ) were also provided with the Shure kit.So that should not be a big problem. Else yoy can also change the stylus only.

I purchased the Shure Cartidge almost 2 years back. So no idea abt the current cost.

Here is the contact details of that Kolkata Guy.

Mr.Arindam Dey
Tel: :033-22127206 / 28611552
Mobile: 9883260529
email: hisonic72_kol@yahoo.co.in / deyelec@indiatimes.com


#29 erstellt: 03. Sep 2007, 10:44
i thought you accepted bombaywalla's gracious offer to send you his cart? or did sub-boss get it along with the turntable like he was angling for
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