Instrument samples

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#1 erstellt: 28. Sep 2005, 16:13
I am unable to tell the difference between one instrument and another in music. Is there a site where I can get free samples of various musical instruments. This will help me in recognising various types of instruments.

Can any computer Midi-based software do the trick?
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 29. Sep 2005, 12:33
That's O.K. The problem exists with many. Listening to live music whenever you get the chance (particularly western classical, string-quartet, folk, folk-rock, jazz, classical rock) where spontaneous improvisation is involved, should solve your problem. I do not think any website will provide you that kind of extensive samples of the sound of musical instruments.

[Beitrag von kspv am 29. Sep 2005, 12:34 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 08:51
That's sad.
Wanted to know what a double bass, high hat, trombone etc. sounds like.
Even something like a guitar has so many types.
#4 erstellt: 30. Sep 2005, 09:25
Only way is to listen to music ie buy/borrow CDs.

-Dire straits should give you an idea of Bass Guitars
-Ray Brown Trio should give you a good idea of the Double Bass
-Most of eric claptons albums (except for the Pilgrim ) should give you a feel for the accpoustic guitar etc etc..

read the jacket of every cd to know which instruments are presnt and you are on
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