Offer!!! whos ready for this?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 11:14
Hi friends,
This is Sandeep. I have promised for arranging a demo at Bangalore but because of time constraints even though i came to Bangalore many times I couldnt get my speakers since I was busy with my other activities. Now its time to arrange a dealer in Bangalore. So now anybody who is intrested can come foreward. For the person who takes this deal there is no need to buy the speakers at this moment.

Even if you own a system now please tell me the configuration that you have.

Lots of models will be introduced in near future and even you can make this as partime business.

I am going to start my website in few weeks.
PM me if you are intrested.

best regards,
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 13:27
hey sandeep....

can u tell me what demo are u going to give and what kind of part time business are u saying? i am not able to figure out what are u talking about,so please update me on the same....

thanks in advance
#3 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 14:06
Pls take this discussion offline....this forum is not to be used for any commercial/business proposition or to solicit customers or business partners.

#4 erstellt: 05. Okt 2005, 14:35
Dear Manek,
I cant send the information to all of them just like that. The message was just an announcement. But anyway if its wrong then sorry.

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