need help !

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#1 erstellt: 23. Apr 2004, 18:02
hi i'm new in this forum, but i found everybody cool and
experienced here ... so i'll ask my question from you guys ,

i already have a system but its not good enough for me
i need more detail and sensitivity and more power ...
i usually listen DEATH METAL and JAZZ and also i love classicial music like BACH ....

my own system is :
amp : HARMAN/KARDON - model : HK3250
speaker : INFINITY - model : reference 31i

i live in iran and "ROKSAN" is available here for me ,
what is your idea ?

thanx every body for helping(please)!
#2 erstellt: 24. Apr 2004, 05:46
Roksan is a nice brtish sounding setup (I presume you mean the CDP + AMP ?)
the kandy is supposedly refined but lacks abit of Bass as well as Mid range Fullness.
What is you budget like ? and what exactly are you looking out just the Amp or a CDP + Amp ?
#3 erstellt: 27. Apr 2004, 07:54
I dont know what death metal music is....something like heavy metal ?

I believe this HK is 4x40 watts surround receiver am I right ?

If you need power then a higher rated amp is good and the roksan kandy 120w/ch should meet your power needs....but the roksan being a typical english amp is laid back and cozy/warm sounding, good for jazz and classical. If you want a little more energy in your amp then the NAD 370/372(120watts/ch) integrated would be the way to go if it is availble in Iran.


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#4 erstellt: 04. Mai 2004, 11:52
ok ... i am amature in hifi please list me the things
that i'll need in a complete stereo
my own favorit brands are :

and i also need a pair of speakers to match ,
what about B&W or infinity ... what elese ?

tell me about sub woofer and cables and the asembeling
of the system ...

tell me the diffrents of dynamic speakers and electrostads , ?

i need both power and sensivity in my music

i do not have buget problem

thanx all of you for helping ...
#5 erstellt: 04. Mai 2004, 12:57
OK here we go......

First you must set a budget for yourself....5k $, 8k$ etc.
Since you say your favourite is Arcam, Roksan these might be available in Iran. They are both very good british brands. What other brands are easily available in Iran ?

The safest and easiest way is to match the amp+Cdplayer from the same company if they make good stuff and Arcam and Roksan both make very good CDPlayers and amps to match. So audition them as pair. I dont know if you want a stereo system or a multichannel home theatre setup.

Speakers, again depends on the room size and music you play. B&W and Infinity are again a very safe bet. I prefer the B&W to the infinity.

Dynamic speakers are ones with cone drivers(like the ones you have got) and electrostatic speakers are ones with a flat electrostatic panel usually rectangular. Electrostatic speakers are more delicate and refined but dont pack much punch on the bass area. A hybrid electrostatic speaker which has a cone driver for bass and a flat panel for mid and high frequencies solves the problem of the lack of bass and also gives you the delicacy and smoothness you require.

There are dynamic speakers also which are very delicate and soft sounding.

I personally dont like a sub-woofer for stereo music but they are now generally used to produce a lot of bass. I would prefer to go in for floorstanding speakers which have deep bass. The subwoofer is a very important element in a home theatre system.

Good quality cables and connectors are used to provide good signal transfer between equipment. There is no substitute for auditioning the various brands and choosing what you like best.

Let me know whats available in your market other than Arcam and roksan and I'll guide you further. Also let me know whether you want a dedicated 2 channel stereo setup of a 5 channel home theatre setup. From your first post I assume you want a 2 channel stereo setup.

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#6 erstellt: 05. Mai 2004, 09:04
hi Manek , thanx for your care buddy ,
first i have to say that i wana asembel a stereo,

again i have to say i don't have buget problem ,
also i thing all of the hi fi brand are available in
iran for me execpt some pure american ones like wilson
or some brands like that ...

i prefer buying roksan because it is official here in iran
with garanties and everything ( you know that the
managers of roksan company in england are two iranian
people ... )
but i'm not sure about the performance ,
so i need your suggestions ,

because i listen both classic-jazz and death metal , so
i need both power and quality
sampel me some hybrid electrostads speakers
and tell me how about using subwoofers or not ?
also i don't know intergradet amp are better or pre
amp+poweramp ... ?

then i have room environment problem too ... my floor is
made of tiles

thank you very much again ...
i am waiting for your helps ,
#7 erstellt: 05. Mai 2004, 14:00

What hiFi recommended the following system as a great system

Roksan Kandy CDP + Roksan kandy Int Amp + Quad 11l/12L. I presume 21L & 22L should also do very well.

If not a Quad, Missions, KEF, PMC should also work well with these....and also play the music you like well !

would suggest you stick with Int amps for the time being and Move to Pre/Power later Most Int amps are pretty good these days and are actually seprate Pre & power in one case.
If you like Electrostats Martin Logan has a great range but they are not easy to drive hence need a perful amp. Electrostats are Great with classical and rock..espeacially along with their subwoofer (Descent or Depth or even Grotto) which match very well.

but they are pretty expensive...

[Beitrag von Arj am 05. Mai 2004, 14:04 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 05:10
ROKSAN candy integrated amp + cdp is pretty good as ARJ suggested. ROKSAN Caspian set is considered better as it is a higher end model and more expensive. Try listening to the caspian.

I would like NAD 541i or 542 CDP with NAD 370 integrated amp. NAD also has the silverline series of CDP+integrated amp S300 which is really really good and ofcourse more expensive.

Both the ROKSAN and NAD mentioned above pack lots of power.

Speakers for hybrid electrostats I have only one recomendation...Cadence Avita, Arista, Arca. I have not heard anything better in hybrid electrostats and you dont need subwoofer with them. They are also very easy to drive. They have an 8 ohm load.

Arj's recommendation of QUAD 21l and 22l is great, very nice speakers and if cadence is available the I also recommend the Cadence Diva.

Jamo also makes decent speakers and I like the E855, E875, D590, D870. D870 is really nice. For your musical tastes maybe the D590 would be better.

So why dont you check out these combos and get back to us with your findings....

Dont worry about the performance about NAD and ROKSAN..they are both built to last.

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#9 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 05:43
thanx for your care again ...
i think martin logan and quad are not available here
for me ... also cadence speakers ... ,sorry!
and as manek said hybrid electrostads are good and they
don't need sub woofers and so i can't get candence ,
so i thought about this :


if you say this choice is ok
i will order them to asembel it for me so i can hear it
in their store.

thanx arj .. thanx manek for your helping,
#10 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 10:56
The caspian series is good and very well rated by a few magazines.....but I still feel you must hear it before you buy it.

The nautilus 803 are very good speakers so why do you want to spoil it with an unknown sub-woofer.....why dont you buy the ASW-800 or ASW-850 subwoofer which are from B&W and made specially for the nautilus series.

The nautilus 800 and 801 go lower than the 803 so maybe you could buy the 801 or 800 and avoid the subwoofer. I personally dont like a subwoofer with my stereo music. I always avoid subwoofers but you may need to for your death metal music. For jazz and classical you can stick to the B&W floorstanders only.

So what are you going in for ?
CD player - Caspian Integrated CD Player (M series -1) OR
- Caspian Compact Disc Player

Preamp - Caspian Pre Amplifier (M series -1)

Power Amp - Caspian Mono Block(100 watts/ch into 8 ohms)OR
- Caspian Power Amplifier(70 watts/ch

What cables has your dealer suggested for interconnects and for speakers ? I personally perfer Van Den Hul but I again dont know whats available at the hi-fi stores so cant say until you tell me whats available. You could also try using good quality power cables instead of the standard cables supplied.

#11 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 11:50
agree with Manek on the above. Integerating a subwoofer into an Audio setup is not easy. you have to really work on
1. its position
2. its volume
3. Its Phase
4. its Crossover.

and believe me it is not easy getting it all together

The 803 is enough for most music, especially Rock, except for organ music which can go down to 16Hz...

[Beitrag von Arj am 06. Mai 2004, 12:37 bearbeitet]
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#12 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 14:12
hi you guys ,
ok lets see what we have ,

maybe for cd palyer : caspian compac disk player
and for power amps : caspian ( 70 watts/ch )

i don't you realy ... you tell me wich one to choos
those that i said or " M SERIESE - 1 " for cd player
and " MONO BLOCK " for power amp ....

tell me is the nautilus 803 a dynamic or electrostat
and also for my death metal music i will need power
so i will need a sub-woofer ... what is your idea ?

i will talk about cables later ,

i also forgot to say i love CANTON speakers
what about them to choos ,

please name some more selections for me
no buget problem again
name me best amps and speakers ...
if there is for home entertainment
for example , are ARCAM and NAD better than my selection
or not ? what about CANTON and B&W ... ?

thank you very very much my friends,

tell me about the specifications of a speaker
what is important : impedence? , distortion?
watts? , and what is " Frequency response " ?

i have to tell you i need SHARP and accurate sound from
my floorstanding speakers and, the POWER from my woofer
... am i right ?

thank you again pals,
#13 erstellt: 06. Mai 2004, 16:25
regarding speakers, B&W are not electrostatic but conventional speakers and are really good. and would be more than what you might want from it.

Now regarding the Electronics, If budget is not a constraint I would suggest the follwoing for your speakers, depending on their availability

Sugden masterclass CDP + Int Amp (This is my ALL time favourite)
Krell CDP +Kav400i Int amp
Musical Fidelity Trivista Int amp + CDP
Audio Analogue Maestro Int Amp+CDP

Although there are more to it..the above are more high end and have one of the best synergies I have heard together.

There are many of them and almost impossible to list due to sheer why dont you give your maximum budget as well as an idea of their availability in Iran ?

#14 erstellt: 07. Mai 2004, 04:48
If you go for the Roksan....then the monoblocks power amps would be ideal, one for each channel.

Other very good products I have heard are CDP Enligthtened Audio (transport)+ Bel canto II DAC

Jeff rowland pre+power combos are mind blowing too.

Canton as speakers are very good....they are german and their Karat and Ergo series are very good....big huge sound with lots of big subwoofer can be safely removed.
I have heard the ergo and they are pretty awesome but need good amps to run them. They are best in large sized rooms.

Krell as ARJ said would be mindblowing for death metal. Krell are one of the most powerfill amps going today.
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#15 erstellt: 08. Mai 2004, 15:17
thanx you 2 ,

which you will prefer :





lets finish these two , then we will talk about the
details of each,
#16 erstellt: 10. Mai 2004, 04:10

I would prefer Krell+Krell+B&W

Hat sich gelöscht
#17 erstellt: 12. Jun 2004, 15:38

Roksan is a nice brtish sounding setup (I presume you mean the CDP + AMP ?)
the kandy is supposedly refined but lacks abit of Bass as well as Mid range Fullness.
What is you budget like ? and what exactly are you looking out just the Amp or a CDP + Amp ?

Geschützter Hinweis (zum Lesen markieren):

If you are looking for visceral power and crankability then go to Westlake Audio(speakers) If you want refinement(jazz,orchestral) get Shahinian. Plinius and Bedini are excellent performers. Roksan would be great with these, I have Meridian with the Shahinian Obelisks. Shahinians are the definitive reference instrument for music reproduction.
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