Telefunken Studio M1 defekt

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#1 erstellt: 08. Feb 2017, 17:29
Guten Morgen.
Ich verwende Google-Übersetzung, wir danken Ihnen für nachsichtig ... Nach einem Telefunken CR100, I Studio M1 Boombox gekauft. Als ich eingesteckt ist, war es ein Rauch und Brandgeruch. Die Symptome sind die gleichen mit Batterien. Meine Frage: glaubst du, es ist möglich, das Gerät zu reparieren, ohne zu viel Geld? Es wäre gut, weil es große Material ist und ist in sehr gutem Zustand.
#2 erstellt: 09. Feb 2017, 10:55
It might be easier for you to receive answers in English.

If you recently bought the Boombox, try to give it back to the seller.

Otherwise you should open the Telefunken, switch it on for a short time and look from which electronical part the smoke comes. To ensure not to cause further damage it is helpful to reduce the mains voltage by using a light bulb in a row with the boombox.
#3 erstellt: 19. Feb 2017, 14:56

The amplifier works great. But there is a problem with lights. There is electricity (10v) on + and also on - . It is very strange
#4 erstellt: 22. Feb 2017, 01:39

it is difficult to give a precise diagnosis from remote. But possibly the problem might be a blown electrolytic capacitor. This type of capacitors tend to dry out after quite a time. This could also happen, if the device was stored over a long time without being used. In the worst case, there is now some collateral damage.

Since there are several voltages and circuits in the device, it is likely, that just one fuse is blown, so that other unconcerned circuits still work.

If you don't have a certain experience in electronics, please do not open the device and get it repaired by a specialist.
#5 erstellt: 22. Feb 2017, 19:24
OK, thanks. I'll try to change chemical parts.
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