Aurasound ala Magic Q15

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 10:52

I´m new in this forum. I´m abou to start my dream build of subs. Though the candidates are not within reach. I would like to use the Aurasound NS15. A bit like Magic Q 15.
Ofcourse i cant use the exact same materials and units, but the Aurasound comes close.
I would use an Velodyne sms1 to tune the setup and for genereal control.

IF any would know how i could get within reach of the aurasound 15", i would be very happy. I´ve found 2 in Canada but the USD is crazy these days and the shipping is expensive.

I´m from Denmark, but within EU/Europe everything is way easyer.

Best regards
Mikael Engmark Helligsø
#2 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 13:24
Hi Mikael,

first of all welcome to our Forum and all best wishes for 2016.

I'd like to give you the hint not to be too determined about the aurasound woofer.
first of all, the only shop I selling aurasound woofer is Quint and they only have the 18'' woofer.
But you can ask this shop. The people working there are very kind and if they can help you in purchasing the aurasound ns 15 they will.

I just saw you opend 2 seperate threads for the some issue please ask a oderator to Close one of the threads ore to put them together so we do not have to telk about everything twice

I think it would be best to discuss your whole project.
Therefore we need some more Information,

normally we use a questionnaire fir this kind of discussions I am have been so bold to translate it in English with my little skills.
So please answer this questionnaire so we can talk about everything.

-How big is the room in which the subwoofer will be playing?

-How much subwoofers could be considered?

-Where could the subwoofer(s) be placed inside your room? A little draft of your room, including the furniture would be helpful.

-Which speakers should be supported by the subwoofer(s)?

-to which amp are your speakers connected to?

-How loud should the sub(s) be able to play?

-will the sub(s) be used for home cinema, just music, or a whole party?

-how much importance is attached to very low frequencies and accuracy?

-Which kind of music will be played?

-Could a DSP be considered to adapt the subwoofer(s) to your room?

-Do you have items for sound measurements? Like calibrated microphones?

-Is there anything specific you do not want do miss for your project?

[Beitrag von Kyumps am 04. Jan 2016, 13:25 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 13:27
Many thx for quick and absolute precise answer.

I will get back with a precise as possible answer this night.


#4 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 17:20
-How big is the room in which the subwoofer will be playing?

8m x 4m x 2,5m

-How much subwoofers could be considered?


-Where could the subwoofer(s) be placed inside your room? A little draft of your room, including the furniture would be helpful.

At the end of the room(narrow part). In the middle between my old Infinitys

-Which speakers should be supported by the subwoofer(s)?

The stereo setup is Infinity Kappa 9.2 series 2

-to which amp are your speakers connected to?

4 x 1kw ICE

-How loud should the sub(s) be able to play?

To follow my Infinitys

-will the sub(s) be used for home cinema, just music, or a whole party?

Music mainly, though we might end up with using them as a cinema later. Priority is music

-how much importance is attached to very low frequencies and accuracy?

My dream is to go low. But how low. I can´t really tell what is realistic. 16hz?

-Which kind of music will be played?

Metal, rock, classic...though wife will use it with the pop-thingy

-Could a DSP be considered to adapt the subwoofer(s) to your room?

Yes i will be using a Velodyne SMS1 or the like. Any good alternatives?

-Do you have items for sound measurements? Like calibrated microphones?

I can borrow a Velodyne SMS1 though i will end up buying something

-Is there anything specific you do not want do miss for your project?

Well it all needs to be within reasoneable range. My buddy and I calculated an Magic Q´ish box. Sized to 155 liters. Thats is with 2 NS15 units. It looked doable. Regarding power i´m able to get what i need from B&O. I´m living in Struer(Hometown of B&O(as long as they live)) and have some good contacts where i can borrow power as needed.

Hope it helps

#5 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 18:05
Could you ad a Little draft of the room,
a litte Picture with Microsoft paint ore somehting like this is usefull enough.

And I forgot the most important question:
How much money do you plan to spent for your Project,
excluding or including Wood; excluding finish (high gloss paint for example)

16Hz is very very low and not so easy to reach....
#6 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 19:15

More or less correct

Phew...the money question.
Well 500 - 1000 - 2000- euro....all depends if i can get the units used.

#7 erstellt: 04. Jan 2016, 23:32
maybe the dts10? i'm not 100% sure, but i think there ar working two lab12 inside.
also have a closer look there
#8 erstellt: 05. Jan 2016, 15:14
AuraSound went into bankruptcy, it should be very hard to get your hands on the drivers you button to end world

Maybe the Dayton Um 15-22 will fulfill your requirements.
#9 erstellt: 05. Jan 2016, 16:46
I did not knew they went booom. But as pointed out, I could still use some used parts.
#10 erstellt: 13. Jan 2016, 00:38
#11 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2016, 01:24
Well this is as slow as i could imagine. The Aurasound 15"s are not to be found.

I´ve been turning my head to some other drivers.


The drivers in this unit had me looking at it.

#12 erstellt: 11. Mrz 2016, 10:32
How about joining the giant Club with something like this
or other products of Stereo integrity?
#13 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2016, 03:04
You can do with the money what you want, but...

I think, the position of the mains are really bad. Near the Wall, near the corner.
With this setup you have thick low frequencies.
The Kappas reaches 30Hz, this is deep enough to trigger all modes.

A single sub only adds more problems to the setup.
A sub that can reach 16Hz have big and heavy chassis, a impressive xmax and need real power.
But the impulsresponse of such a system is bad. This is a sub for cinema to move the trouser legs.
For this "effect" you can buy much cheaper chassis :-)

16Hz you can record with the biggest pipe of an organ, but the other mechanic instruments don´t go this deep.
A contrabass reaches 24Hz.

Is your room a multipurpose room or is it dedicated to listening to music ?
If it is the latter, i know what i would do.
#14 erstellt: 27. Mrz 2016, 09:46
Hello Sir

Thanks for your answer. Didn´t see before today.
You might have right in the placement of the Kappas and they would properly love more air. I would be able to move them from wall a tad more but not much.
I´m not into the term of impulsrespons. Though case is that i might learn a lot from this build in the end. I might indeed end up with something thats total different.

The update in this is that i went with another driver:

I just need one more and off we go. Though still searching for the DSP to this.
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