Subwoofer, what to build (english, sorry)

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 09. Dez 2005, 23:11
Hi all,

first sorry that my german is not good enough for me to write it.

I would like to build a subwoofer to use with my main speaker. The sub will only be used for music, and will be used from about 90Hz. I think that a closed box will prob. give the best result?? My room is 32m2 and I want to spent around 500euro. There are so many subwoobers available and I do not know where to start. I'm thinking of buying a

* One of the peerless drivers?
* maybe even a Scan-Speak 23W/4557T00

Does anyone have experience with these drivers? e.g. the mivoc is costing only 150euro, is it good? as good as the peerless or the scanspeak? Maybe you have other suggestions? hope you can help me out.


#2 erstellt: 11. Dez 2005, 08:40
Hi Jacob,

I moved your post to the DIY corner.
You get more answers here...
#3 erstellt: 11. Dez 2005, 09:44
Hi Jacob,

e.g. the mivoc is costing only 150euro, is it good?

Yes, it works fine in a closed box of about 45 litre, but it needs a good and powerful amplifier and just reaches f3 at ~28Hz, but which is pretty much for music...
But also the Peerless and Scanspeak are good drivers, but i have no experience with them.

#4 erstellt: 11. Dez 2005, 13:13
You can take a look on this threat

i build this with a SEAS W 260 AL. what are the deepest Frequenz you need
#5 erstellt: 11. Dez 2005, 15:15
Hallo Jacobus,

I think my english is worse than your german!!
I will take this threat for practicing. Please correct every mistace.

In your case, I would prefer a Subwoofer with two smaller Woofers. Maybee two 20er or 25er. You should take a look on Visaton's GF or TIW - speakers.


#6 erstellt: 12. Dez 2005, 01:08
Hey Jacobus,
This subwhoofer is one of the best wich were built here in this Forum.
Take a look at this thread, and ask for things you will know.
The amp is expensiv, and in think you can take a cheaper one, but the drivers are very good and perfekt for music.
And please correct some mistakes ;).
#7 erstellt: 12. Dez 2005, 18:49
Maybee a good Subwoofer, but to expesive-remember jacobus wanted to spend 500€
The Projekt of NORDMANN28 costs more than 1200€

But the way of the woofer is in my oppinion the best for music

Use 2 smaler Speakers with a strong engine(amp)^^
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