Morning Raga

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#1 erstellt: 22. Okt 2006, 16:39
Hi !

Morning Raga (Movie)- a meeting of worlds
Music by Mani Sharma & Amit Heri

Although it was released about 2 years but thought I might still share this with some of the members who may not have heard the music or seen the movie.

The music score is great - really a meeting of two worlds - Indian classical & rock music. For a change very well done fusion. The vocals & the orchestration is great.

The movie too is very good. See it for music or Shabana Azmi or for Perizaad Zorabian. Very musically emotional music.

A must hear & a must see for all those who feel emotional about music.

[Beitrag von SDhawan am 22. Okt 2006, 16:44 bearbeitet]
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