A "good" DVD ????

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#1 erstellt: 14. Sep 2005, 04:14
I am looking for a DVD player that really plays everything i put in.The one i have now will not accept my selfmade home and vacation videos.If i stick one in it says "NO DISK"

Anyone with the same problem ???



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#2 erstellt: 07. Okt 2005, 07:15

check out the phillipsline of players.....they play anything u ask including divx,DVD+r rw -r -rw.....mp3,jpegs written on DVD's......even divx,mp3,jpegs written together on dvd's.......i have a model which plays all the above including SACD's....the model number is DV5500S....do check out for this model if it available there....where do u live BTW....

#3 erstellt: 10. Okt 2005, 19:30

Sorry i cant find and Phillip´s DV5500S on the internet
got an adress ????

and i live in france - why do you ask ???


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#4 erstellt: 11. Okt 2005, 10:04

i tried almost for two months to get this model here......i live in bangalore,india and its not available here thats the reason i asked where do u live?

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#5 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 05:24
My all time fav and work horse
Denon 1600..
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#6 erstellt: 09. Nov 2005, 08:08
Marantz 9600 or 7600 should suite you fine. A Pioneer DV59-AVi is also highly rated in this regards.
#7 erstellt: 03. Dez 2005, 18:35
Only just found your forum and just read this thread so sorry for the lateness of my post. I have the Pacific DVD-1002W. Bought this for £40 and it plays absolutely everything. All DVD's I have authored, VCD's and SVCD's. Mpegs which are burnt on CD, JPEGS, MP3's you name it. I have given discs to friends with £400 players and they can't play it!

Hope this is of some help to someone
#8 erstellt: 07. Sep 2006, 11:31
I too have been looking for Philips DVP 5500 S as it has v good reviews for a low cost player, it is supposed to be great for 2 channel stereo .live in delhi.If any member can recommend a dealer who has this, would be grateful.
#9 erstellt: 07. Sep 2006, 13:09
I have Denon DVD-1920 Universal player - it plays everything including SACD, DVD-A, Photo CD, etc. And good sound quality in stereo and multichannel - digital & analogue outputs.

I have heard of a good and inexpensive Samsung DVD player which plays everything.


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#10 erstellt: 13. Sep 2006, 16:11
checkout the pioneer dvp 588a...plays everything including dvd-a and sacd...(thats the reason I bought it...) although I havent bought a single sacd or dvd-a
#11 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 10:58
In some specs of some DVDP's they mention something like 108 mhz what is it about. ???
#12 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 16:48
Hi !

It is in relation to the DAC they mention sampling rate / word length noted as Hz / bits. This means the rate at which it reads the data and the size of data or bit length read at one time. And I think that Audio CDs are written at 24 Hz / 16 bit and DVD at 96 Hz / 24 bit. A higher frequency is used in some players to "over-sample" the data to avoid / correct jitter.


#13 erstellt: 15. Sep 2006, 16:52

SUNILYO schrieb:
In some specs of some DVDP's they mention something like 108 mhz what is it about. ???

108MHz is the frequency of the Video DAC. Actually for analog TV, 54kHz is enough but many video DACs upsample it to 108MHz. All this pales in comparison to the DACs on video cards though... they work at a blistering 400MHz or higher :).
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