Cannonball Adderley "Live in New York" at the Village Vanguard

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#1 erstellt: 29. Dez 2011, 17:57
Hi All,
I just bought this CD (Cannonball Adderley Sextet "Live in New York" at the Village Vanguard). It's a JVC K2 20-bit Super Coding CD on the Fantasy Records label so the sonics are very good.
I believe that Cannonball Adderley did not make many live recordings except this one & Live in San Fransisco.
The music is quite good but it's not my favourite (so far). It pushes the limit in terms of the program material - it must be hard bop style music. I seem to like his Live in San Fran album better but maybe this one will grow on me?
Just thought I'd share.....

Happy New Year to all of you. Party hard but be safe!


[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 29. Dez 2011, 22:04 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 31. Dez 2011, 16:27
UPDATE: I listened to this CD again on a much better system (the 1st time I heard it on the boombox in the kitchen area) & I like this CD a whole lot more. There are a lot of low-level details that the boombox misses out on (of course!) that detract severely from the overall music enjoyment. However, when one hears this CD on a system where some attention has been paid to equipment, isolation, etc. the low level details pop out & the music becomes enjoyable....
So, it's a great CD music-wise & it's more ecclectic than his "Live in San Fransisco" engagement almost like he's appealing to the more sophisticated senses of the NYC audience (which they did seem to appreciate from the clapping I heard on the various tracks).
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